Okay, let me just be super transparent here, okay? Last meal. When I saw that question on this week’s blog challenge, I kept wanting to ask, “What do you know that I don’t?”
It’s strange. I’ve never been afraid of death. Okay, I’m not so keen on the dying part. Not unless I get to do something super sudden or I die in my sleep. I’m good with either of those. But I don’t like pain, and I don’t like what watching people die does to their loved ones.
So the idea of a “last meal”? Yeah, didn’t sit well with me. Kind of heavy on the stomach, if you know what I mean.
Rib eye? My son’s amazing key lime cheesecake? Scallops? Hungarian coffee cake? Would I care? Probably not, if you want the truth. I mean, if I would, I wouldn’t have had to try to trick myself into an answer.
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But my last literary meal…
Whoa. When I got that idea—the idea that I have to choose one book to read—and then never get to read another book again… Wow.
My brain raced through every book I could remember. I deliberately removed the Bible from the options, because if it wasn’t, there’d be no dilemma.
Because I’m a writer, and because it’s what we writers do, I upped the ante. I added another restriction. “And it can’t be a book you’ve already read.”
No, seriously. How do you decide what book will be the last you ever read—and you have to choose one you don’t know if it’s any good? I mean, think about that for a minute. That’s like saying, “Here’s a menu of all the foods you’ve never tried. Pick one. It’ll be the last you ever taste.”
And, if that wasn’t awful enough, I decided, in grand writerly fashion, to tack on just one more “can’t.”
It can’t be by an author I’ve ever read or listened to an audio book for. I threw the audio book in so I couldn’t take the “safe” route and go with Elizabeth Peters. I’ve listened to many of hers. Never read one.
The search began.
Apparently, I’m wider read than I thought. I went through list after list, book after book—everything I could imagine. Every time a title or cover grabbed me, I recognized the author—have books of his or hers on my shelf or my Kindle.
Look, it took a while, but I narrowed it down. This book was too cheesy. That one was too depressing. I thought maybe I wanted something fairytale-ish. Or maybe I wanted a mystery. I do love a good mystery. Suspense—nope. Didn’t find one I didn’t recognize, wasn’t in first person (NOT making my last literary meal my least favorite point of view!), or didn’t have a disappointing opening.
But eventually, I narrowed it down to two—one by an author I’ve never heard of and one by an author I have wanted to read for a long time.
First up:
Along the Broken Road
by Heather Burch
Armed with only a journal and a promise, soldier Ian Carlisle returns home to fulfill his friend’s dying wish: to find the man’s daughter and read her his journal, one page at a time. The woman he finds in River Rock, Missouri, is just as warmhearted, artistic, and feisty as her father described. Ian had fallen in love with Charlee McKinley before he even met her, but he has no idea if she’ll ever return his feelings.
Charlee loved her father—but she didn’t like him very much. Regimental and strict, Major Mack never approved of his daughter’s choices. So when a down-on-his-luck soldier arrives on Charlee’s doorstep, she’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, but not her heart. It isn’t until he starts reading to her that the beautiful, touching words begin to unlock something deep inside. But when Ian reveals a secret that shakes Charlee to her core, will she close herself off to love out of fear?
The Beautiful Pretender
by Melanie Dickerson
The Margrave of Thornbeck has to find a bride, fast. He invites ten noble born ladies who meet the king’s approval to be his guests at Thornbeck Castle for two weeks, a time to test these ladies and reveal their true character.
Avelina has only two instructions: keep her true identity a secret and make sure the margrave doesn’t select her as his bride. Since the latter seems unlikely, she concentrates on not getting caught. No one must know she is merely a maidservant, sent by the Earl of Plimmwald to stand in for his daughter, Dorothea.
Despite Avelina’s best attempts at diverting attention from herself, the margrave has taken notice. And try as she might, she can’t deny her own growing feelings. But something else is afoot in the castle. Something sinister that could have far worse—far deadlier—consequences
Choosing? Almost impossible.
So I did what any rational person would.
I went to do something else. Came back. I tried to close one out and couldn’t. I could close out that other tab. Who won?
Heather Burch with Along the Broken Road. I just had to know what is in that journal. So you know what that means? I get to read it next. I mean, come on! It’s excellent stuff right there.
Of course, if I hadn’t written this BEFORE I read Pepper Basham’s Just the Way You Are, I’d probably have chosen Twist of Faith. She recommended it next.
I admit that this was a little hard for me. There are so many books by authors I know and love that I haven’t had a chance to read yet.
BUT, if I could only read one book more – a book that I would have to stay with me for the rest of my life, I think I’d chose A Psalter for Prayer: An Adaptation of the Classic Miles Coverdale Translation which I have never read.
This is a book that I have thought about in the past, but I have a wonderful Psalter that I read through 4 times a year. Sometimes I think I’d like to change, but it is so easy to stay with what is familiar. Hopefully, the translation would enhance, not detract, from what I have already memorized. That way everything I read could remain with me for life, even if I never saw another book.
Did you read ATOF???? 🙂 Inquiring minds want to know 🙂
1. You should be impressed that I didn’t even have to think about what you meant.
2. It’s on my Kindle. I’m using it as a reward for finishing Will Not See. *whistles*
ACK!! I forget I use that abbreviation without thinking! So glad you deciphered that without too much difficulty 🙂 I can’t wait to see what you think. It’s a little more mellow than JTWYA 🙂
I have a Heather Burch e-book titled “Something Like Family.” “Along the Broken Road” sounds just as intriguing. I have Kerry Lonsdale’s next read “Everything We Know,” which I have been waiting and wanting to read. And of course Liz Johnson’s next book (which you keep flaunting… :/ LOL) which I am impatiently waiting to read.
Soooo…I have a dilemma. I want to know what that journal says, I want to know if the grandfather and grandson in “Something Like Family,” can find their way. I want to read James perspective in “All That We Keep,” after reading the first two fabulous books (“Everything We Know” and “All the Breaking Waves”) by Kerry Lonsdale. They just won’t be complete without it. And then we have Liz Johnson.
So…if I go with an author I have not read it would be Heather Burch and while I want to know about the grandfather/grandson relationship, “Along the Broken Road” sounds like a romantic suspense or something along those lines. And that intrigue pulls at me.
So you have my pick…though I would always wonder about James’ side in “All That We Keep.”
There better be a library up there because goodness knows if it is the last book I ever read, I am going to struggle down here…Just sayin’
I always wonder how it could be that we wouldn’t care anymore. I feel like that’s the truth–that with the Lord, we’ll be so thrilled in His presence that it alone will be enough, but He is a Creator. And we’re made in His image. So then the confidence wavers.
I think I would go with one I haven’t read yet. “Along the Broken Road” is on my To Read list.
If you read it before me, let me know what you think.
Ok both of your choices sound extremely intriguing.
Tempts me to choose one of those.
But to be safe I’d probably choose one of yours I haven’t read (actually there are several). I’ve liked every one of your books I’ve read so I know I wouldn’t be sorry.
But….I also have yet to read Beth Moore’s novel and that tops the list too. Can’t recall the title right now.
i’m looking forward to seeing which one I like most
If I had to choose ONE, I think I’d choose Confessions of a De-cluttering Junkie and savor the fact that I wouldn’t have to every worry about housecleaning, organizing, and de-cluttering every again because the only way I’d never read again was if I was dying! Sigh. Poor Kaye would suffer it alone while I gloated over it…(hey, if I have to die, might as well enjoy something!)
Purrlock would be proud!
I am shaking with laughter, Chautona! Totally ready to do battle over reading my beloved L.M. Montgomery’s “The Blue Castle”
Bless you for saving me from needing to put on my war paint.
In case anyone cares to read my comments, may I offer a bit of information that just tickled me to pieces? I discovered a treasure trove on Amazon of FREE Kindle books of Gene Stratton-Porter. One of the first “grown up” books my grandmother gave me was “Freckles” (which I finished a few minutes ago on my Kindle, yay!) While there is nothing quite like an old friend, in all it’s yellowing paged, dusky fragranced glory, they translate well enough digitally. Plus one can change fonts and yellow pages….what’s not to love? And, just for you, I will take into serious consideration doing the challenge, using YOUR stipulations. Deal?
Deal. Did you read the Harvester?
That’s a hard choice. Hmmmm. And I have so many unread books here and on my Kindle, but I have to think what would be the last thing on my heart and mind before meeting Jesus face to face? That is a somewhat sobering thought.
I think (and I know you aren’t a fan) it would be Israel, My Beloved, by Kay Arthur. To be caught up in the story of God’s great live of His chosen people, and then to wake up to see Him is perfect. At least in my mind 😉
I love your idea, but you know I don’t love your book choice. Heee heee.
I was thinking Past Forward, but I am currently lovinng Connilyn Cossette’s stuff. And you totally sold me on both of your choices.
I will now have to try Connilyn Cossette! Going on the list for #summerreads!