USA Today Bestselling author Chautona Havig lives in an oxymoron, escapes into imaginary worlds that look startlingly similar to ours, and writes the stories that emerge. An irrepressible optimist, Chautona sees everything through a kaleidoscope of It’s a Wonderful Life sprinkled with fairy tales. Find her at and say howdy—if you can remember how to spell her name.
More from Chautona
Hi! I’m Chautona Havig. (for those who care, that’s Shuh-TONE-uh HAVE-ig). Yeah. Just work with me here. I should have used a pseudonym, but when you grow up with a name like Chautona, it kind of sticks.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near. ~ Hebrews 10: 23–25
Those aren’t just words on a page for me–they’re why I write. I write to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ. The stories I create are to make people laugh, cry, question, consider.
They’re for you.
When the world screams for hope, I try to point you to the true Source of hope–Jesus.
Sometimes life in the church no longer seems a refuge from the pain of a self-serving world around us, but through my stories, I try to point you to the only Refuge that can truly help–the Father’s Everlasting Arms.
And sometimes we just need an escape from the monotony, the emptiness we see around us. We need joy, laughter–what I like to call “just the write escape.”
Christian fiction without apology or pretense–lived, not preached.
What does that even mean?
It means I care–about you. About your walk with Jesus. I care about the words you put before your eyes, the mental pictures those words conjure. It’s difficult to express just how much I love my brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s difficult to share just how much I love you.
But I do.
And I write for you. I sit in my little house in California’s Mojave Desert and I write to show you why one sister believes one thing, why a brother believes another. I write to show you how some Christians handle trials or triumphs–for you. So when you’re faced with something–good or bad, it doesn’t matter–maybe it’ll spark a memory. Maybe that memory will smolder until you pull out your Bible and see what the Lord said about it–about His great love for you. For YOU!
And maybe, just maybe, you’ll share that love with another hurting, confused, or blessed-with-more-than-she-knows-what-to-do-with soul.
I just happen to think that’s the most blessed giving anyone could hope to receive.
Because I write about things I don’t believe sometimes, here’s what I always believe–my “Statement of Faith” as it were:
- I believe there is one God Who is known as God the (Everlasting) Father, God the (Redeeming) Son, and God the (Comforting) Holy Spirit.
- I believe redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ is necessary for every soul on earth, and without His shed blood, there is no forgiveness for sin. I also believe that blood is the only way for mankind to be saved.
- I believe that the Lord is not willing that “any should perish but all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9) but that those who do not believe “will be condemned” (Mark 16:16).
- I believe the Bible is the complete revelation from God and only inspired Word of God for Christians today.
- I believe all theological positions are not equal, but all brothers and sisters are equal before the Lord. Therefore, I believe I may fellowship with anyone the Lord has redeemed and may trust Him to sort out our rightnesses and wrongnesses. I do not believe, however, that this nullifies my responsibility to “search the Scriptures” daily to see if the teachings we follow are true (Acts 17:11).
Quick Links:
- The Blog (News on releases, giveaways, and musings on reading and writing but no ‘rithmetic– unless you count the progress bar on my latest work or word count discussions).
- Book Blog Archives: (Want to learn more about a specific book or series? There might be an entire archive of posts right here!)
- The Characters (Since many of my characters appear in other books, here’s a handy but ever-incomplete short-list of where you’ll find them.)
- Suggested Reading Orders (Many of my books intertwine, so I have created two separate suggested reading orders. One for a strict timeline and one for keeping series intact–again, often in need of updating.)
- New Release & Coming Soon! What’s in the works? Well, here’s where you find out!
- Like Free Books? Check out my (usually) weekly serial novel giveaways and sign up for my Newsletter for semi-weekly updates of what’s free, what’s discounted, and what’s coming up!
- Love Audio Books for those long car rides or while you work on projects? Here they are!
- Of course, The Bookshelf shows all works in print or soon to be in print.
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- And finally, I love to get email. Drop me a line anytime. I usually respond quickly. Key word there: usually. 😉
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