The Christmas Lights Collection Presents:
The authors and I were all talking about what we could do to celebrate the release of All Is Bright. Parties are fun, but with everyone on different time zones and me being pretty much out of commission, stranded here in Noel, it wasn’t going to happen. I wanted to chronicle my experiences anyway, so I wrote a super-fast, six-thousand-word short story. It takes place right here in the “Christmas City” of Noel, Missouri and features places, people, events, and traditions near and dear to my heart. I even featured my mom’s house in the story.
And no, I did not need a fire extinguisher while cooking. I’m appalled that you’d assume of all the real things in the story, that must be the one and the one that applies to me!
It’s easy to get your bonus. Just email any of the authors in the set with a screenshot of the Amazon page showing your purchase or the final “thanks for reading” page if you read it on Kindle Unlimited. You can even forward your Amazon receipt. Once we see that you actually have the set (because this is a special thank you to those who are cheering us on!), we’ll zip you the link lickety splickety.
Here’s a hint. I’ll be traveling and settling my mom in for the next few days, so if you want yours fast, you might want to email one of the other authors! I’ll do my best, but…
What’s the short story?
A Noel Christmas. Hint. If you want to sound like a local, you say “Nole…” Not No-ell. Just sayin’.
Hey, if you haven’t gotten your copy of All Is Bright, yet, don’t worry. For just .99 you can own it. Or, if you have Kindle Unlimited, the whole collection is there. “FREE.”
Not only that, but if you are just dying to have all four stories in paperback, you can do that, too! They’d cost you an easy twenty-four to thirty dollars to buy them separately, but you can get all four in the paperback version for just $19.99!