The Vintage Wren

The Vintage Wren

A serial novel exploring a year in the life of a reluctant (read: kicking and screaming) environmentalist.

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About the Book

The Vintage Wren is a serial novel released in several chapter episodes.

Cassie Wren. Legal assistant. Convenience queen. Thrifter extraordinaire. If there was a “green police” she’d be a fugitive from eco-friendly justice.

But when a friend’s teasing feels like a challenge, Cassie accepts it. The result? One year. Twelve months. Fifty-two weeks. Three hundred sixty-five days–of green.

It seemed simple enough. Cut back on paper plates, plastic forks, and straws. Easy peasy. But when her competitive side wars against her desire for convenience, Cassie finds it’s not so easy to be “eco-friendly” and “Cassie-friendly.”‘

Eco-friendly Cassie


Week 1

Shopping for Cassie’s annual New Year’s Eve party sparks an innocent comment that Cassie can’t forget. So, during their New Year’s Day goal planning session, Cassie’s friends tease her about her lack of eco-consciousness, and Cassie determines to change one new thing in favor of the planet every week. For a year. Even if it kills her.

She’s confident it will.

Cassie’s first week–paper. She’s determined to cut out all extraneous paper usage–all of it. But when almost everything comes wrapped in paper, it isn’t as easy as she thought it would be. Her only consolation? Some water bottles come with plastic labels, and she doesn’t have to cut that out until next week. Ha!

Week 2:

Reducing paper… CHECK! Cassie’s feelin’ confident. Well, until she goes out and discovers that even restaurants use more paper than she’d expected. Add in an accidental purchase, a plastic purge that she’s still struggling with,and a shopping trip that could only be cured by the universal soother–ice cream–and week two is off to a rocky start.

Thankfully, her blog, as much as she resists it, provides a bit of catharsis. She rants, vents, and shouts her triumphs for the world–or at least fifty of her closest friends–to read and celebrate with her.

Or will they?.

Cassie’s second week–plastic. After a week of exchanging paper choices for plastic ones–for “just one more week”, Cassie is onto her next diversions. After all, she doesn’t have to give up metal or glass yet! But finding solutions that don’t involve plastic prove harder than she ever imagined.

Don’t worry. She’s found the perfect, aesthetically-pleasing, and planet-saving plan for enjoying plastic bottles forever!

Week 3:

Finally, a week that doesn’t leave her scrambling for a way to stuff more contraband into her already over-packed storage shed. But even glass, as handy as it is, turns out not to be as “perfect” a substitute as she thought. Still, a full three weeks into paper reduction means that avoiding extraneous paper usage should be second nature. Right?

A first date, an introduction to HearthLand, and a new idea for her budding business sends Cassie’s imagination into overdrive.

Then disaster strikes.

Cassie reevaluates her priorities after receiving a call that shakes her to the core, and a hard week reminds her that this challenge is going to affect more than what she puts in her shopping cart. Even if she goes back to her old ways, it’s going to be life-changing.

Week 4:

She planned on one goal for the year–prove she could be as eco-conscious as any “Crunchy” gal, but her goals of blogging and opening her own business, on the other hand, were supposed to be tabled for a year. So much for that idea!

Cassie’s fourth week–metal. Unfortunately, her car decided to sacrifice itself for the good of the planet. Its timing couldn’t be more perfect or worse. And with a houseful of supplies that come in neat metal packaging, Cassie isn’t quite sure what she’ll do.

A blog commenter is starting to annoy her, and something is up with a new acquaintance. But, in the middle of all this, Think helps keep her grounded.

Say hi to old friends from HearthLand and get a tiny glimpse of another, totally unexpected character!

Week 5:

January creeps three days into week five, and begins with a huge mistake!  What was she thinking when she decided to focus on water in the middle of winter?  And when things get even more discouraging,  Cassie does what she does best–she overcomplicates them further.  Decisions pound her from every angle.  Sign the business contract or think and pray about it longer?  And What about her boyfriend?  Is Evan really the guy for her?  With Joel screaming a silent “NO!!!” from the sidelines, Cassie has choices to make that will impact the rest of her year–probably her life!

The Vintage Wren. A serial novel released in fifty-two episodes (for obvious reasons).

Author: Chautona Havig
Series: The Rockland Chronicles
Genres: Christian Fiction, Comedy/Humor
Publisher: Havilah Press Publications
Publication Year: 2016
Length: Episode (20K words)
ISBN: 9781544930299
List Price: 4.99
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