Discovering Hope

Discovering Hope

What do Brigadoon, saris, epic laser tag games, and Jesus have in common? Hope.

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About the Book

The song says that when two people from two different worlds come together, those worlds collide. Hope Senior is determined to blend them instead—if she possibly can. She’s already lost two of the people closest to her. If her friend never embraces faith in Jesus, she isn’t sure she can bear it.

For Jay Brown, meeting Hope opened up a world he’d never thought he’d want to enter. Then again, taking things on faith has never been one of his strengths.

As their fledgling friendship grows into a richer, deeper one, Hope and Jay find themselves exploring more than the differences in Indian and American cultures. It becomes a journey of faith… for both of them.

Discovering Hope —find out what Brigadoon, saris, epic laser tag games, and Jesus have in common.

He’s learning what it means to fall in love with Jesus.

She’s falling in love with a man she thinks is off-limits, and it’s breaking her heart.

Author: Chautona Havig
Series: The Rockland Chronicles
Genre: Christian Fiction
Tags: Rockland, Romance
Publisher: Havilah Press Publications
Publication Year: 2012
Length: 288
ISBN: 9781479325283
List Price: 12.99 / 4.99
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Discovering Hope
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