Here’s the thing.
I know you don’t want to hear it, but Christmas is only TEN weeks away–and that’s assuming you’re reading this the day it was (re)published! If you are reading it tomorrow or the next day, well… you know.
But with Christmas inevitably comes the whole topic of gift-giving. People seem to find gift-giving more and more stressful every year. I hear statements like, “I don’t have time to shop and gift cards are just boring!” Others love the idea of gift cards but fear it’ll seem like a cop-out. So, I thought I’d share my:
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12 Reasons to Give Books for Christmas
Image courtesy and property of You’re contributing to the literacy of our society.
- They’re cheaper than a vacation but provide a similar “escape.” My books have the bonus of being “the write escape.” Snort.
- With Christian Fiction, you can give both an escape and encouragement.
- They’re lightweight for shipping, packing in suitcases, or carrying into Grandma’s house with all the other packages (unless you give books to everyone. Then they have the added benefit of a workout on Christmas/delivery day!)
- They aren’t breakable–unless the story breaks the reader’s heart, and won’t break the bank (although they could break your back–see #4)
- They are never too big–meaning Aunt Fran doesn’t get miffed because you thought she was bigger than she is. Caution: some books (like Hawthorne’s, for example) are definitely too big.
- They are never too small, which totally disappoints the recipient. However, some end when the reader never wants it to–making it too small but in a good way.
- It’s a thoughtful gift. Does the recipient enjoy Mystery? Suspense? Romance? Historical? Fantasy? Series? Stand alones? Good news for eclectic authors like me: I write it all! WOOT. I even write for children!
- It helps the logging industry! Let’s keep those loggers employed! Did you know the United States has more trees now than it did 100 years ago?
- They’re easy to wrap! No more oddly angled boxes! No, sir. Just fold a piece of wrapping paper over one edge of the cover, crease the other end, wrap around the book, fold the ends in, and tape. Voila. Easy peasy. And, for the eco-conscious, you can use grocery bags with pretty ribbons instead of regular wrapping paper. It takes less than an over-packaged whatzzit, too. That’s right! No additional packaging to worry about clogging the landfills.
They’re “instant.” While gift cards are always appreciated, a stack of little cards on Christmas morning gives no immediate pleasure, while a book allows the recipient to curl up in a corner somewhere and enjoy it–no waiting! Books are always open on Christmas. 😉 Caution: It might be wise to give the cook his or her bookish gift AFTER Christmas dinner. 😉
Remember how I said you shouldn’t read my books? Remember how I also said I am a hypocrite? I got a few sweet emails assuring me I’m not. But here I am, proving it! I tell you not to read them and then I make a post encouraging you to… buy books! I should repent! But I won’t. 😉
Wait… I didn’t say you should READ them, did I? I said you should give them as gifts. Is that hypocritical? Hmm… yeah. It is. But at least I didn’t lie when I said you shouldn’t read them, did I? Hee hee- Because I’ve written dozens of books, and reviewed even more! *shameless self-promotion moment. Sorry* To check out books that I reviewed this year, here’s a link to my Review Category. To check out the books I have in print, peruse the Books page. To peruse what’s coming or has just been released, check out the New & Coming page!

So here’s the thing (name that TV show).
Books are wonderful, simple, and thoughtful gifts for any reader. Of course, if you have people who don’t read on your Christmas list… just strike them out! You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life!
I mean, um… well, then you’ll have to come up with something else, but a lot of non-readers enjoy audiobooks or the movie versions of other well-loved books.
It’s an idea anyway, right?
Can’t decide what book to give or have a voracious reader who will have that book devoured before Christmas dinner hits the table?
I’ve got you covered. If you have a special someone on your list, and you’re prepared to spend a little more on him or her (or you have friends and family who would like to chip in for a great gift, what about a Kindle Unlimited Subscription?
Tons of books available… ten at a time, but unlimited per month! And if you’re concerned about how this affects authors and your desire to support them (thank you for that!) then please check out this video!
And As I Said, What about AudioBooks for a Christmas gift?
For your jogger, commuter, taxi-mom, or just someone who likes having a book going at all times, audiobooks are a great gift. Give a subscription or an individual title.
To learn more about why I LOVE audiobooks and highly recommend them, check out this episode of Because Fiction Podcast.
I have several books on audio:
- Deepest Roots of the Heart
- Past Forward (volumes 1 and 2 and others to come soon)
- The Aggie Series (Ready or Not is available and the others coming)
- Christmas on Breakers Point (The Independence Islands series)
- Dual Power of Convenience (The Independence Islands: coming in a few weeks)
Books or bath salts, Kindle or Keurig, have a fabulous Christmas and I look forward to a great New Year with you in 2021!
If you need a paperback, snag one on sale while you can HERE.
*Note: This post was originally published in October of 2014 and I’ve updated it for today!
Oh! Oh! Oh! I hope you run that Past Forward special again!! I so badly wanted to buy all 6 paperback books last year, but an unemployed husband held me back. This year, he’s employed!!!!!! I love Willow. 🙂 I miss Willow. I want more Willow! Please? 😀