About six months ago, I got an email. I can’t recall the exact wording, but it went something like this.
Hey! I just finished A Forgotten Truth, and at the end, it said there’d be book five in 2016. But I can’t find it. Can you tell me the title?”
I fired back an apologetic reply assuring him that, yes. It was in the works. I also apologized. Um, because, well… I’d forgotten that I put a date in there. Oops.
Had that been the only one, I might not have gotten as panicked as I did over the next few months. Another one came. Then two more. Five more. More… and more.
September became the goal. Yeah. Not going to happen. I’m still catching up from last year’s work—four months behind on Ties That Blind, actually. Eeep!
Now, before I get started, I need to do a few things.
- Finish two Christmas novellas—maybe three.
- Reread the whole series so I can make sure there aren’t any lapses in information—untied ends, so to speak.
- Find my audio notes for book 5.
Or come up with a new idea altogether.
I have all these ideas. I need to continue the series. Obviously, someone at the end of book four is trying to figure out what’s what.
Confession. I had no idea what I was doing with that. Fortunately, I just found my notes on it so I have something to work with. But I don’t have all of those notes. Sigh.
Additionally, I want to do an “Early years” series starting with Mark coming up with the idea and running with it. When Keith joined—the works.
And finally ( or so I can dream), I want to do a “West Coast Files” with Paris and Henry.
Sigh, even as I type this, I came up with a cool new one. A Christmas one. Oh, dear.
So… that’s why I’ve put out a poster here:
Note: links may be affiliates that provide me with a small commission. Doesn’t cost you a cent more.
Wanted: Readers Who Love the Agency Files & Will Help Me!
If the Agency Files book five is the next non-Christmas book I do, then what do you want to see? Should it actually be book 5? Should it be the first book about those early years? Maybe it should be about those West Coast folks.
There’s a tie-in with The Agency and another Agency in Rockland. That’s been simmering out there ever since Speak Now was published. What about that?
Look, I have a dozen synopses just in the regular files. Things like
- Flynne finds something off and ends up accidentally providing protection.
- Someone needs protection but can’t leave his or her real life.
- A prisoner bus is rammed off the road and a prisoner taken. By the Agency.
- The dictator of a small (fictional) country requests protection from another Agency insisting he needs protection.
- One of the Anastas takeover folks got in over his head. They have to protect the guy long enough to get him into federal custody.
So what can you do?
Tell me what you want. I already had the folks over at The Write Chatterings on Facebook (join us! We have fun!) vote and the next book is Agency Files. But I can’t write it without a title.
And I can’t come up with a title without choosing a plot. So… early files? West Coast files? One of the above? And if so, which one?
What do you want to see?
Also, if you haven’t read any of The Agency Files, starting with Justified Means is your best choice
If you want to know more… here’s a synopsis:
Justified Means
“You steal me from my house, drag me out here bound and gagged, hold me at gunpoint, and you’re worried about getting the tape off me gently? You’ve got some nerve!”
More info →If you want to learn more, HERE’s an “interview” with the head of The Agency, Mark Cho.
Thanks, all. I could really use the help.
Yes to a book 5 to at the very least wrap up the unanswered questions! I love this series and want to know more about Keith & Ericka and Mark & Claire. Any of the adventures you mentioned above sound great, but the prison one is especially intriguing. Honestly, though, I’ve not read one of your books that disappointed me – even the ones I thought, “Well…I probably won’t really like this, but it’s a Chautona book so I’ll try it,” and invariably, I get hooked and can’t put it down!
I have read books 1 through 4 and would very much enjoy future Agency publications. I would like further issues about Keith and Ericka. I would also enjoy further books about The Hearthland Series including updates about Williow and Chad.
As you can tell I have become a big fan of your writing.
More are coming! I’m so excited about.
I’m in love with The Agency Files series! Thank you for such awesome stores…incredible mystery/suspense intertwined with the Gospel message throughout! Perfect combination…and so beautifully done!
Just finished books 1-4…..anxiously awaiting book 5! !Any idea when it might be available?
Please don’t stop!
It’s slated for 2019. I was hoping to write it this December, but I can’t. So… 2019… sometime. LOL
Please do book five. I need the answered. More about mark, is he and Claire going to be an item, will Keith and Erika get married. I can make it up myself, but a book with it is nice!
It’s gonna be a thing.
I just finished the 4 books and was looking for book 5. Definitely do book 5 satisfying your readers need to know how Erika is baptized, Keith’s new life, do they marry? Claire/Mark are they having a relationship? What about Flynne & Tyler? Will the N Koreans succeed at a airborne bioweapon? Who’s the mole? So many questions??!
Psst. You can read the baptism in HearthLand Volume 6! 😀
But yes… stuff. Lots of stuff.
All of the “Files” ideas seem wonderful, and I can’t wait to read them; however, I find myself really wanting to know what happens to the Keith and Erika story! Who knows, Mark might even find romance?
Thank you for the hours of hours of entertainment. Your books are a wonderful escape. Thank you, for proving how much homeschool mom’s can accomplish! God Bless!
Yes… I want them all. That’s my problem. I did figure out what I had planned at the end there, so it might be this year’s November novel.
I would like to see the origins story.
Then the Flynne’s accidental protection gig. Then the West coast connection.
Throughly enjoy this premise!
How about a present/flashback combo? An old enemy of Mark’s takes hostages—including Claire—somewhere out West. Since he’s agency he’s in the loop, but since it’s not his territory he has lots of time to sit and think about the events that led him to this point. Maybe the best of both worlds?
Hmmm… interesting. This could be a thing.
It would be great to read about the beginning of the agency and more about Keith. Really like the characters and the excitement of their assignments, but want to know more about characters and how they originally got into doing this.
I agree. It’s all about the characters.
I’d like to see the “early files.” Not only how Keith and others got involved, but details on the beginnings of the agency. I guess an early “history” of people and agency. And BTW, I love the agency files!! I’ll be thinking about more ideas. Right now my husband wants supper! 🙂
Hi Chautona, I love all your ideas re book 5 but I think I would love to see The Agency and Rockland Agency story as book 5. Though love to read about Keith too, whatever you write will be great. I just love reading and finding old characters appearing in the story. Thank you I have loved most of your stories.
So many things, right? Squeeeeee
Book 5 but do all the other ideas, too! ? Please!
I am most interested in continuing the story. The “how it began” can wait until all the loose ends are tied up.
That’s what I’m thinking, too!
Maybe a Cassie tie in with the Elevator Romance and the crazy brother… It really feels like it could easily go there. But it’s also been some since I’ve read The Agency books but I enjoy them.
I guess I need to start reading The Agency Files! 😀 I just stocked up on your books with Kindle Unlimited so I need to get crackin’ 😉
YAY! *passes the snacks and a fan*
I LOVE the Agency books so whichever way you go will be fine with me. That being said, let it be Book 5 then you can start clean and fresh with the “early years” and the “west coast” books. Thanks for including us!!!!!!!
I was wondering if that’s how we should roll. Finish this up. Then go with either/and the others.
I would love to read a prequel to the books before reading another one. I am just re-reading Justified Means and I love it. Can’t wait to re-read the rest of the series.
Definitely book 5. I was one of those who emailed you asking about a release date. I love this group of people and want to find out what they’ve been up to — especially Keith and Erica! ( it is Erica, right? [See, it’s been so long I can’t even remember his girlfriend’s name!]) P.S. no guilt intended… Unless it’s motivating! LOL
Motivational guilt. LOVE it. And yep, it’s Erika. You doubted because of the C instead of K. 🙂
Ooh, I get to have input in a Chautona book! (swoon). 😀
I really want book 5 to be a continuation, right where we left off. I LOVE all the other ideas you have, but I want to find out what happens with Keith and Erica first. (If I remember right, their relationship isn’t settled yet by book 4). Again, I want the West coast series (want to see what happens with Paris and Henry!) and the early files series too. But I want the continuation first. 😀
I think everyone agrees with you, too!
I vote early years, too! (Just don’t forget poor Cassie—I’m dying to read where her story goes!)
This week’s Cassie is already DONE and scheduled!
I have been waiting for book five as well. i love this series.
me, too!
Book 5, Book 5 — one of those emails was from me because I had just finished book 4 and wanted more! Then you have Flynn teasers in another book – makes me crazy! What can I do to help ??
Which other book has Flynne teasers? I remember doing it… but now I can’t remember where! Cassie?
Yep the girl in the bathroom with Cassie at one point is either her cousin or friend, can’t remember which. I’m pretty sure that’s the reference but it’s definitely Cassie, at least one of the references if there’s more than one. 🙂
I vote early years or book 5. Mark intrigues me. Would love to see the inter-relationship between The Agency and the Agency wedding planners.
Mark intrigues me, too.
And I think that one would be the last book in the Early Years, so maybe that series next. Hmmm
how about – whatever you can produce the fastest? I haven’t read it for over 2 years but remember loving it and being disappointed when it ended. That’s the series where Keith lost a witness, right? Right after she beat him in a squat contest? I remember that scene only too well. But since it’s all good, a prequel would be fine, and like Lucinda said, it buys you some time!
Did you read book 4?
Maybe you need a Facebook group just for Agency Files fans?!
I would vote for the early years, a prequel, even! Because then you can either remember where you were headed for book #5, or you can change it up, it buys you TIME!
That is a good point. But ugh. Another series started before finishing one. Hmmm…
This is one of my favorite series and have been hoping for a book 5. As much as I would love to see how it all began, I really want to know what happens next!
I’m thinking this is the way to go. Yeah.
You could do the tie in between the two agencies happening in the early years. I mean if they’ve just started, it makes sense that messages between two places with the same name get mixed up…
Yes, it’s actually the last book in the early years, because it happens just before Donald Bruner and Erika
Love the Agency series! Either early or coastal…both sound intriguing…
If you see two posts from me, something weird happened. I vote for “A prisoner bus is rammed off the road and a prisoner taken. By the Agency.” Looks most exciting!!! And it can fit into your prequel or spin-off section, which I don’t care either way about.
You’re always so encouraging. Not to mention super-specifically helpful! 😉