I don’t know who pointed her out to me, but I will never forget the moment she turned and I could see her. Xochitl Dixon. I’d heard amazing things about this woman, and couldn’t wait to meet her.
You know, technically, I never did. Oh, sure. I was introduced. We said hi. I’m pretty sure that at some point at that conference, she prayed for me. Probably, because she knew that if she didn’t, the food she would be served wouldn’t be edible.
I was in charge of food, you see. For a couple hundred people. Without the ability to actually cook anything. Yeah. The food crew needed help. It was my job to make sure people ate. I needed great, heaping gobs of help. A mutual friend said, “It’ll be fine. Xochit (Soh-chee) is praying.”
It didn’t take a genius to figure out that this translated to, “God’s warrior is in conference with Him for you.”
Xochitl prayed for people all day, every day of that conference. I found out the next year, she prays for attendees of conferences… before they even arrive. For weeks and months before, she’s praying—for the attendees, the faculty, the place we’ll meet, the appointments God will arrange for His people.
And all while enduring excruciating pain. Almost all the time. I feel like we need a hashtag for her. #BecauseXochitl.
She’s been waiting for a solution to that pain—for healing for years. Waiting for God to do whatever it is He’s going to do for her. Growing, learning… is it any wonder that when I found out she’d written a book, Waiting for God I requested a review copy immediately?
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What Will Waiting for God Do for You?
If you’d told me someone could write a “feel good” book that is both hard-hitting and shows example after example of people going through suffering, sometimes without relief this side of heaven, I’d have laughed. That’s not how I define “feel good,” and it’s not how this Christian life thing is supposed to work. Right?
Ha! Sorry, but I always have trouble not laughing when people claim that God’s people will only have joy, peace, prosperity, and perfect health if their hearts are perfectly aligned with God.
See, I think that’s true. I really do.
The key phrase there is “perfectly aligned.” That happens in heaven, folks. Here, we’re still fallen, messed up creatures. Saved by God’s grace? Definitely. Given the ability to hold fast in tough times? Absolutely. Free from trials?
Not hardly.
So how is this a “feel good” book?
Time after time, story after story, Scripture after Scripture, Xochitl Dixon shows the faithfulness of God even in the dark, hard, horrible times. She reminds us of Who holds our faith and hope in His hands.
Not only that, she does it without climbing into a lofty tower, having cornered the market on spiritual things. No, slugging her way through the dark times alongside the rest of us, she admits her faults, her failings, her moments of frustration and despair.
I don’t know how she does it, but in the midst of all of it, her devotion to prayer, to the Word, and to encouraging the body of Christ, she shows just what living an authentic Christian life really looks like.
That’s what Waiting for God does for you.
It brings you back to the feet of Jesus, time and time again. In a brilliant turn of phrasing that I’m totally stealing here, Dixon’s book helps you grow from being a do-it-yourself disciple into one waiting on the Potter’s wheel, ready for Him to make of you and your life what He wills.
Waiting for His will.
Waiting for Him.
And, as she shows us in story after story, Scripture after Scripture, Jesus is always worth the wait.
Devotionals aren’t usually my forte, but the moment I saw Xochitl Dixon’s unique name on the cover, I immediately requested a free review copy. I wanted to love it, but… devotional…
I didn’t need to worry. The book lives up to its claim. Waiting for God really does teach and encourage us to trust daily in God’s plan and place.
Recommended for anyone who has ever wondered if God is even listening—if He even cares. Also recommended for those who care about careful attention to not putting words in God’s mouth. While I didn’t read every word of the book before writing this review, I didn’t find a single place where I went, “Where’s that in Scripture?” Even when she spoke of God whispering to her to wait, she shares that He used the Word… His words in the Word to do it.
Sounds like a wonderfully real and yet encouraging book! I had never heard of this author before, but your story of being introduced to her as a prayer warrior really struck me. That’s how I want to be known.
Xochitl has been such a blessing to me over our internet friendship. She is a powerful encouraged and prayer warrior. I am excited to hear about her new book. I added it to my suggested resources on my blog this week as I write about Staying in Step with Jesus. Thanks for hosting her today. I would love to win a copy and would also be happy to review it.
Thank you so much for taking time to bring to our attention another great read. I enjoy these tours and finding out about many terrific books.
This sounds great!
This book sounds like an amazing read.
I read your review through blurred vision, Sister. As I read your encouraging words, I shed tears of grateful joy. The last month has been tough for me. The Lord used you to remind me to lean into Him, to fall into Him. Hallelujah! Thanks for helping me spread the word about Waiting for God and for serving with me as we share His word to the ends of the earth. I am thanking the Lord for creating you and for sharing you with me! I look forward to seeing what He has in store for us, Sister! To God be the glory!
I am anxious to read some of this author’s works. They sound interesting and encouraging.
Thanks, Paula. I am praying for readers and looking forward to hearing what the Lord does as we surrender to Him one breath at a time.