Dishes clinked, silverware rattled, and 80s music that I didn’t like when it was popular pulsed through Denny’s. Clark sat across from me, ready to talk about The Agency Files. You know Clark. THIS GUY?
I had a nebulous idea… fledgling. I wanted Flynne to be forced to play agent. Clark hasn’t read the series, so I gave him a rundown of how The Agency works, what had happened in past books, and then gave him that fledgling idea of an office manager gone rogue.
It happened—that thing he does when he comes up with a diabolical plan to torture characters. That’s when you know everything’s going to be all right. At least for me. My poor characters, however…
The planning commenced. I gave him all the ideas I’d had lounging around for the past decade and a few new ones. He asked questions. *insert lots of scheming here*
Then it happened. The moment I’d known would come. I didn’t know what that moment would be, but I knew it would happen. One minute my little planning notes would be all neat and orderly and the next they’d spin into crazy chaotic scribbles.
It happens every time.
Clark said, “You can take this two ways.”
And there goes my neat wrap up of this segment of The Agency Files. I didn’t say that, of course. I just asked what he meant.
“Well, you can tell this in one story, or you can totally set it up for a kind of miniseries within the series.”
Rational Chautona would have said, “I already have plans for spin-off series—about the origins of The Agency and another one about the West Coast Agency. I should stick to just the one book.”
Too bad I left rational Chautona at home.
All it took was for me to say, “What did you have in mind?” for a three-book series within the series to become a thing. (Okay, and I knew I’d have a lot more wiggle room if I didn’t have to do ALL the stuff we’d just come up with in ONE book).
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Only I Would Do Something So Stupid… and Fun!
Look, it’s been three years since the last Agency Files book. Frankly, I missed Keith, Mark, and gang. So, doing this kind of meant that I couldn’t let that happen again. Yes, sometimes I do make myself have to do what I want to do.
Another odd thing that happened. I know I’ve talked about it before, but when I near the end of a series, I slow way down in writing. In fact, the only way I could bring myself to finish the Annals of Wynnewood was to allow myself the possibility of revisiting Wynnewood and its characters. I still plan to do that. Just sayin’.
That didn’t happen to this book like I thought. Instead of dragging my heels toward the end, I actually found myself writing faster and faster.
Clark and I met during the midpoint area like we have in the past, and for once, a single book didn’t split into two! Thank You, Jesus!
He did, however, give me great ideas for how to make what I was going to do better. I didn’t necessarily use every one of his suggestions, but his suggestions gave me ideas to kick off even better.
Oh, and if you’re pulling your hair out trying to figure out something at the end, blame him. I’m just sayin’.
Does that mean Hashtag Rogue book has a cliffhanger?
Yes and no!
All the threads of this story wrap up… in this story. I hint at other things, and there are relational things that aren’t specific to this book that you’ll have to wait for, but in so far as what happened to make Flynne go #HashtagRogue on Mark, and the other cases that were happening in this book… that’s all cleaned up. You could read this book and stop with a pretty good idea of what would likely happen with relationships and stuff.
But if you dare…
Read the Author’s Note and the bit that follows.
It sets up the next book and gives a teaser of what might be coming. For those who love to try to figure out what’s a red herring and what’s foreshadowing? Hint: there’s a lot of both in Hashtag Rogue, but more of the latter than the former. After all… it’s suspense, not a mystery.
If you don’t want to wonder and wait for what won’t be here for a few months, well… that means you need to skip the part following the Author’s Note.
To those who dare to read. You have only yourselves to blame. I refuse to accept responsibility. You were warned.
Fun Fact:
Noah is real. A couple of years ago, I was chatting (I think through email) with a reader who wanted to buy a signed copy of one of The Agency Files books for her son for his birthday (or maybe Christmas…). Anyway, as we “talked,” I discovered that he’s an EMT, so I said I’d be sure to give him a spotlight in an upcoming book.
I sent a message to her on Facebook last week, asking if she could have him give me input on stuff. I’d gotten local input from a dear friend’s (“Claire from A Bird Died) daughter, but I wanted it from the man himself, if I could.
He messaged me. We chatted. And I think I got everything he said I could do done. And right. Any mess-ups are my fault completely. But hey, thanks, Noah for saving my character. It wasn’t one I could do without.
Just sayin’.
I love Keith…
Excited for the new book, even if Keith is not main story. Teehee
Keith is my favorite character – because we all want a Keith in our lives as friend, protector. His faith is what we all admire most.
I guess at this point I’d have to say Keith because of his faith and compassion for others.
Keith because he’s awesome and Flynne because she’s hilarious. 🙂
Mary Higgins. Cllark
Keirh. He has integrity, even in a profession where it can be challenging. He also genuinely cares about what is best for people. And of course, he is protective.
I do blame him for the ending of the book! I felt like there were loose ends still–but then, I read the book little by little as you wrote it, usually in a hurry because I really needed to be getting on to something else…. I’m looking forward to reading Hashtag Rogue all at once, very soon, and have everything connected. As for my favorite character, of course it’s Keith! Who else could it be?
Keith, because he just seems real. He does the right thing, even when it’s hard. He’s a protector and really, he just has the coolest job, though dangerous.
It’s been quite a while so I don’t remember her name – but the girl they kidnapped o protect. I’m thinking Kelsey?
I love all your books!!
First book was Erika.
Keith is my favourite. I think I need to read them all again though before starting this new one!
I would have to say Keith. But it has been awhile since I read them and I think I need to go back and read again. I love the series.
Keith or Mark, maybe both! It’s been a while since I visited the Agency Files. I can’t wait to read this one!
I haven’t read any of the books from the Agency Files series…..yet! 😉 A few of my favorite suspense authors are Dani Pettrey, Irene Hannon, and Lisa Harris. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Hashtag Rogue!
Dee Henderson is one of my favorite suspense authors!
Keith Auger is my favorite character!
Kieth. for his faith and strength — and weakness and compassion.
Leo Haesert, without a doubt, is my favorite character in The Agency series. The way you wrote about the process of his transformation from an object of wrath to a child of light was powerful, and your portrayal of his hunger for more truth was both inspiring and convicting.
Your writing is new to me (thank you to our mutual friend Catherine!). My favorite suspense author is Terri Blackstock. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Ugh, autocorrect, Cathe!
I choose Keith.
Oo! I forgot, can you put Sand & Mistletoe on Kindle Unlimited before our Prime Day memberships expire next month? Pretty Please?
I actually did that this morning!!! 😀
Yes! Cartwheel Cartwheel Cartwheel!
I want to see him in the field!
Keith. Or Mark. Or Erica. As the series progressed my favorites shifted.
I’m waiting for an few “no-rush shipping” ebook credits to come through to purchase Hashtag Rogue. Hopefully it happens in the next day or two! Of course, if I win a copy, I can use those credits for Bentley instead. 🙂
Okay, it is not necessarily fair to ask us to pick just one character from this series. I think I would have to say either Keith or Mark, but it has been a while since I read this series. So now I guess I know what I will be reading the next time my husband has to be away from home for work.
Definitely Keith! 🙂 This series is my favorite of all your books.
Flynne makes me laugh. Keith and Erica are both great. I was always intrigued by Erica’s dad and his super-logical, no-emotional thinking.
One of my favorite suspense author is C C Warrens. However as I say that all these other names start popping into my head! There is just no way I can narrow down authors or books to just one!
Me? Follow directions?
I actually would say that I have two favorite characters. The first, would have to be Keith, solid, steady, never wavering. But then…
My second favorite character would have to be Erica. Erica because of the obvious change you see in her life when she wrestles unwillingly with this new idea.
I actually just started rereading The Agency books… I reflexively bought Hashtag Rogue – I couldn’t even help myself as soon as I saw it up on Amazon. Haha! So, I guess for now I’m going to say that Keith is my favorite character. I was drawn to read more about him the first time I read the series and have always enjoyed his character when I have read the books again.
Some of my other favorite suspense authors are: Dee Henderson, Dani Pettrey, Irene Hannon, and Lisa Harris, though I haven’t yet read yours.
I haven’t read any of them YET. However, some of my other favorite suspense authors are: Dee Henderson, Dani Pettrey, Irene Hannon, and Lisa Harris.
Oh my… ONE favorite character??? I guess… Keith. Maybe? ?
I thought about trying to deny it, but… Keith is cool. I really like that character and like everyone else said, his faith and testimony are things to admire. However, my favorite is Mark. All the way. Maybe even a little obsessively. But you knew that. ?
I knew I could count on you to be the odd man out.
Favorite character from The Agency?!?! UGH!!! How could you make us choose!!! HA!! The Agency series and ALL its characters are one of my favorite series by you, in all honesty, I cannot just pick one character! Each has their own favorites by me! On another note, have you read any of Lynette Eason’s Blue Justice series?? Mmmmhmmm…good stuff!!
Oo, I see everybody’s thinking the same thing, but I’m thinking Keith too!
I’m thinking people might start hating me in this book. EEEP
Keith. He is real. Even superhero’s have flaws. He knows his, he struggles with them and takes them to God to deal with them.
I’ve not read them yet, but my favorite suspense author is probably Terri Blackstock or Colleen Coble.
Keith might be my favorite character. But it’s been awhile since I read them all. Just starting the series over.
I’m so excited about this one, can’t wait to read it! I love this series, so it is hard to narrow it down; but I’m going with Keith. He was the first Agency man I met and he showed me his job could be done while living out his faith without compromise. That would be a hard balance, I mean it’s a hard balance in regular life, but wow!
Keith. He remains my favorite AF character. Not saying others aren’t close behind, but yeah, Keith. His faith walk, even when he struggles, perhaps especially when he struggles? It feels real.