I like parodies. I like fan fiction. I asked myself this year if I could write a parody or fan fiction of any book I’ve ever read, what would it be– and why.
My fairytales are somewhat satirical mockeries of the genre, but I don’t think they truly count. There are so many options… I think I’ll throw a few out there.
Austen- I have a soft-spot for Austen’s characters. I do have “what ifs” that plague me sometimes. For example, I love Fanny Price. She isn’t given enough credit in my estimation. Fanny is an intelligent girl, gentle and loving, but firm in her own convictions. I respect that about her. And, as much as I do love Edmund, he is kind of a poor man’s Roger. The story is similar, in that respect, to Gaskell’s Wives and Daughters, but I think Gaskell and those who finished her work did a better job of it than Austen. I always feel as if Edmund simply doesn’t deserve Fanny– to the extent that I do not wish her to choose him. I want another man to appear or even for Henry Crawford to truly reform and earn her affection. Shocking, isn’t it? But it is true. I wish I had the talent for writing Regency novels, but as my editor will tell you, my work is woefully inadequate. I do hope I manage to clean up Allerednic adequately, however. Worley, the valet, has quite captured my heart I’m afraid.
Twilight- Ok, I know that some people consider Twilight to BE a parody of real vampire lore, but bear with me. See, it’s my not-so-humble opinion that Stephenie Meyer did a brilliant job of creating her own world. I love that about her. I like that she mixed things up and tried to give different explanations for things like “sleeping in coffins” or “not out in daylight.” I know the world mocks the sparkly vampire, but think about it. She describes them as marble-like. The sparkles kind of make sense and yet mock the idea all at the same time. I respect that. However, what I don’t like is that she wrote the wrong story. I know she had a dream and just felt compelled to get it down on paper. I know she really loves her Bella and Edward, but um… when she got to Jasper’s story? That’s when she should have stopped, filed the other away into some folder on her desktop, and written the “real” book. It is a far-superior plot in every way. I’m just sorry that we don’t get to read it. So, fan-fiction wise, if I was going to write any, that would be near the top of my list I think. I don’t think I could do it justice though. It simply isn’t my genre.
Crime and Punishment- Ok, I know. I have no right to even consider such a thing, but honestly, so many of these “great works” just annoy me with their self-importance that I ache to mock them. If not Crime and Punishment, then perhaps Gone with the Wind…
And now, my Margaret Mitchell loving friends will never speak to me again.
I’ve got the Twilight spoof under control, no worries! 😉 Parodies are hysterical, remember “Went With The Breeze” from Carol Brunette? Find it on You Tube if you’ve never seen it!
I used to think fan fic was insulting, in the very least, until I started reading Pern, discovered McCaffrey, and the HUGE following of fan fic. She encouraged fans, so long as they treated her original works with respect and if they used her characters, did not change them. So many beautiful stories!
Then there’s the Potter fan fics. Many are fine, but some are…well…bodice rippers? *blink* Totally out of character for the Potter characters (okay, maybe Bella) Those aren’t worth the time it takes to read them.
You know I did a Pern fan fic for NaNo. It was so much fun, and a good challenge to stay within McCaffrey’s boundaries as well as attempting to imitate her writing cadence. I only wish I could have sent her a copy.
I’m not sure how I would feel about someone else writing Lakeville. Then again, I’d love for it to be so well loved that someone would!
More than I’m sure you wanted to hear *innocently whistles*
anything but vampires, please! How about Dr. Who? or fan fic of your own Wynnewood series – does that count? – like the story of how Bertha is finally won to Christ and the love story between her and Brodor Clarke?
Come on I want a Jasper Storyline Twilight fan fic!