My kids have been known to say this while I’m in the middle of writing. Why, you ask? I’ll tell you. Because I write with expression. Remember in elementary school when Mrs. Teachalots stood before the class, your reading book in her hand (but she had the super huge one that was the ominous-sounding, “Teacher’s Manual”) and eyes scanning the room for her next victim. Bam! The finger pointed to you. You had to step forward and read aloud “with expression.” I was good at it. I liked it aside from the fact that a dozen other pairs of eyes were trained on me while I read. That part was horrible. There is a REASON I loved it when my dad moved me to A.C.E. schools with their wonderful independent PACES. Oh, I did love those PACES. No more classroom interaction for ME! HA.
Well, apparently those expressive reading lessons translated into my writing. As I sit here in my little corner of the couch, I pound out the words of my latest novels on my laptop, and as I do, my children wonder just what they’ve done now. I frown, laugh, smile, drop my jaw, or any other reaction that my characters experience. Sometimes, it scares me to think that someday they might hide a camera and record me. Can you imagine the youtube comments? EEEK.
Well, no one can say that I am not emotionally invested in my characters. I am not a naturally emotional person, so it is a bit strange, I’m sure, to see so many flickering emotions across my face in a short amount of time.
So, I’m curious. Now normal do you really think this is? I’m kind of afraid to ask. I have a feeling the answer is all too obvious.
*glances around to see if there are any hidden cameras*
Heehee I do the same thing, only the question I get is usually “What’s wrong?” or “What’s so funny?”, from my sisters. :p
That said, I think it’s normal… at least, for a writer. 😀
To the KING be all the glory!
I think it’s just a natural extension of talking to yourself.
I tend to smile broadly when typing emails; especially openings or conclusions. I’d trained myself in smiling when answering and concluding conversations on the phone, and it carries over. My family’s always asking, “What’s so funny!” when I’m typing a greeting or salutation; or often just something in between….
How normal do I think it is? No idea. But I do it; let that tell you what it may. 😉