What’s wrong with me? Oh, a lot of things, trust me. From my inability to remember anything I’m supposed to do (and I used to forget nothing I said or did–ahhh… those were the days) to my “shiny syndrome,” you name it, I’ve got something wrong with it.
Here’s the deal. I’ve been doing NaNoWriMo since 2006. Now, to be fair, the last three years have been a bit… hit-or-miss with recording my word count, but I’ve made it every time. I thought I hadn’t until I looked at the actual documents. That was kind of cool. Who cares what the website says? I know the truth, baby!
But this year, I had a lot of things going on and decided to be responsible. I didn’t have time to edit a bunch of books, write a novella, and do NaNoWriMo.
Okay, quick aside.
For those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth. Naaa-noe-WRY-MOE. Just like the beginning of all the words except month. Because Na-no-wri-muh sounds weird. Especially since I don’t pronounce it “munth” but “mon-th” You know… that “O” sound. I digress. Anyway, the idea is to write fifty thousand words in a month. That’s 1667 words per day. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Back to my tale.
Well, obviously, I didn’t start NaNoWriMo 2021 at midnight on November 1. This year I didn’t get my Chinese food, I didn’t write my annual parody (you can find old ones below), or even count down the seconds to midnight like I’ve done every year for the past fifteen or so years. Sigh.
Note: links may be affiliate links that provide me with a small commission at no extra expense to you.
How Expensive Is FOMO? About 50K. Good Thing I LOVE to Write.
But it happened yesterday. I was sliding into bed for my evening nap when I had the thought. What if I did it? Like the second half of the month only. Could I write fifty-thousand words in FIFTEEN DAYS???
So, there’s another part of NaNoWriMo that I’ve done each time. I’ve challenged myself. Once it was to “write a sermon” as a novel. Once it was to do sci-fi or to do first-person writing. Write the sappiest romance I could imagine? Done. Youth adventure? Yep.
So… why not make this challenge be to… write the book in half the usual time?
Look… I’m going to be honest. I seriously doubt I can do it. Too much going on, including our first Thanksgiving away from our house since… forever. We’ve always done it here.
So now I have to write 3334 words per day from now through November 30, 2021… at 11:59:59.
Yep. I’m crazy.
I even wrote my annual parody last night… here goes (it’s not my best, but hey!)
How Do I Write It?
How do I write it? Let me now believe
I write it from start to middle to end
Of a tale—of belief we must suspend
And fill the pages of all I conceive.
I write it until all the words emerge
On the page of my electronic screen
And paint a vivid and wondrous scene
Until truth and fiction meet and converge.
I do love, most passionately, to write
Of deep griefs and desires—of sincere faith.
I write it each day and long into the night
I write each word with all that is within
Until morning dawns with its first gray light
And my word count inches close to the win.
Snort (my unlyrical and unromantic… amen).
So… what am I writing for NaNoWriMo 2021?
I have a whole VIDEO on how I chose, but for those who like spoilers, here you go.
The winner is…
Book, Chapter, & Vows
Why can't the past stay in the past?
She told him falling in love wasn't in the plan, but she wasn't complaining. Now... now she's not so sure.
Falling in love with Benjamin wasn’t in the plan, but Mallory finds she’s all but lost her head and her heart after two and a half years of banter, memories, and now shared books.
But when her ex-fiance (does it count if it was just for a few hours?) shows up right in the middle of a writing project with Benjamin, the guy manages to ruin her happiness… again.
Benjamin has been keeping one tiny part of him back from Mallory–just the one thing that’ll repel her for good.
So when the ex-boyfriend-slash-fiance shows up, and things look serious again, he takes a giant step back and prays he can keep his heart intact in the process.
They’re clearly meant for each other. God obviously has a plan. So what’s it going to take for Mallory and Benjamin to work things out and get those vows made?
You can read the rest of the series while you wait if you’re just anxious to get started. I recommend either the Merriweather Island Box Set or maybe you just need to remember to preorder my next book in the series, Finding a Memory.
May NaNoWriMo 2021 begin in 59:59… 59:58… 59:57…
Past Poetic Parodies
- The Night before Nano (A “T‘was the Night Before Christmas” parody)
- The Raven (as in Poe’s, of course)
- Tease (as in Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees”)
- Till November (A “My Grandfather’s Clock” parody)
- Goin’ on a Book Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt parody)
- Winking, Blinking, Nod(ing) (“Winkin’ Blinkin’ & Nod” parody)
Alicia says
Chautona I know you can do this. It will be tight but I have such faith it will happen. I was sort of saddened when you wrote you weren’t doing NaNoWriMo. It is like a tradition. And I know how much you love your traditions, especially from Nov-Jan.
Keep us posted.
Wow, traveling for Thanksgiving. That is new. Are you going to one of the children’s houses this year? If I remember at least daughter #1 has moved away a bit? That was awhile ago, but I don’t remember any others having children yet. It will be different but so great to see the grandkids.
I keep trying to catch you on messenger. I have been following the best I can since I deactivated my FB account. I can still activate it, but usually do so for very important things. Like my recently adopted little dog (long story) disappeared. We found him four days later. Some preteens had him tied up ina very hidden place and he just happened to find the right time to bark and be heard (they had had painters and woodworkers around for days (new management) so he couldn’t have been heard until much later in the day. The property manager finally found him. But there are so many rescue sites that are focused simply on lost and found dogs. So it was activated for about two weeks. But messenger still works.
AnywY back to writing for you… I have started praying and will keep doing so until you get your new book written.
Hugs and love