Confession. I tend to spend a lot of my Bible study time in the Gospels, Paul’s epistles, and James. Old Testament favorites are Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, and then snippets from a few others. I used to say I didn’t have favorite book or verse of the Bible, but clearly I do. I mean, I’m naturally drawn to certain verses or books. That says to me that I do actually really have favorites. A few years ago, I realized that James 4:17 is one that comes to me almost daily. If I had a “life verse” I think it would be that.
But staying with the familiar is just a really good way to reinforce what you think you know. I want to grow, to learn. So, I went to Jude the other day. I mean, I’ve read it–studied it in Old Testament Survey in High School–but I’ve never really tried to dig out all the nuggets. I remembered the beginning quite well. In fact, I had to force myself NOT to skim as I read. *blush* However, the second half REALLY slapped me upside the head.

I was thinking with you exploring the word Bless. Certainly we receive all our blessings from God.We use the one word, where there are at least three words in Greek.
In the New Testament, there are two primary Greek words translated as “blessing.” Makarios carries the meaning of happiness that we just looked at.
The Beatitudes of Matthew 5 and Luke 6 describe the happy state of those who find their purpose and fulfillment in God. As in the Psalms, the best life is available for those who love and fear God and order their lives according to His Word Romans 4:6-8 ties this happy blessing to those whose sins are forgiven, for they know the relationship to God has been restored.
Eulogeo focuses more on good words or the good report that others give of someone and also describes the blessing that we say over our food (Matthew 26:26). This word is where we get our English word “eulogy,” in which we speak well of one who has passed away. Ephesians 1:3 blesses God for all the blessings that He gives us in Christ, and 1 Peter 3:9 instructs us to bless those who mistreat us, because we were called to receive a blessing from God
So I think we have to be certain what we are asking, who we are Blessing and What we are Blessings.