Strange how ineloquent I am when I don’t know what I think or how to think. I debated sharing this one. I don’t share them all. Some are too personal. This… this was on the line. But, hey. I never claimed to be a poet. And I have no idea if calling it a psalm is inappropriate. Denotation says no. But connotation… Still unsure. I believe the Lord knows my heart and will show me through His Word if I am wrong. Until then, here it is.
That’s lovely, the Lord certainly blesses us through you and I give Him thanks that He has gifted you with such a valuable gift. And thank you for letting Him shine through. God continue to bless you richly.
Just as we as parents look at the words our children write us I believe The Lord delights in the songs of our heart. He does not grade syntax or finer points as He did not care for the arrogant declarations of the Pharisee but was pleased with the contrite heart of the humble tax collector. Lovely thoughts and prayer from your heart Chautona.
Oh how this blesses me! Why can’t we write our own personal Psalms? Exactly. I want to do this. You inspire, Chautona, thank you!
It really has taught me a new level of private worship. Fascinating.