The second of our compilation interview episodes (first HERE), this episode features three historical fiction authors. Join me as I chat with Amanda Cabot about her latest release, Dreams Rekindled. I also spoke with Jill Eileen Smith about her latest release, Miriam's Song. Marguerite Martin Gray Continue Reading
So, What’s More Exciting Than a New Book?
For me, it’s the team of gals I have helping me share the news of them. If you’ve been following my Launch Team posts, check THIS PAGE in case you’ve missed any. I’ve had a couple of days off from these posts, but It’s time to introduce you to Emily. Always good for a laugh or a fun quip, So, Continue Reading
How Diversity in the Launch Team Saved the Day
Diversity—it’s a thing, folks. Whether you’re talking about ethnic diversity, social diversity, age, economic, religious—you name it. It’s a thing. And if you had any doubts at all, just look at my team. We’ve met a single gal or two, a mom of eight, a married woman without children, a Continue Reading
The Obnoxious Reason This Post Has a Pathetic Title.
I’ve learned something through this blog series about my awesome launch team. I surround myself with amazing encouragers. These women are honest, don’t get me wrong. But they’re on the team because they like what I do, and apparently because I found gals who know how to make me want to keep going Continue Reading
Introducing a Local Launch Team Member: Ruby!
I may not know much about space ships, androids, and asteroids, but when this next gal needed help with labor… well, now there, I know a thing or nine. Unlike most of my launch team, Ruby (her real name is hidden to protect the innocent destruction of the spelling of it. This is something I also Continue Reading
What I Absolutely Love about Darlene (& in her own words!)
“Oh, I’d better go set up the classroom.” A voice answers. “Oh, Joe did it.” Later, someone mentions needing to order the case of New Testaments. The reply comes again, “Oh, I think Joe took care of that last week.” You don’t always see Joes, but you always feel the effects. The coffee Continue Reading
What Super Hero Saves the Blogging Day? Mommynificent!
This series on launch team members for the release of Will Not See has been so fun for me. Because not only do I get to reflect and share the things about each member that bless me, I also get to learn new things. My next member has written me some of the most encouraging emails. She's always Continue Reading
When Horrendous Traffic Kills Your Chance to Meet Someone
I hate California freeways. Okay, so I really don’t hate them, but sometimes they’re crazy inconvenient. Zipping along without a care in the world—awesome. Traffic backed up for at least twenty minutes (one way) due to an accident… well, it’s not so bad if you’re plotting out a new book. I was Continue Reading
Whose Name Inspired an Exciting New Character?
I arrive home from a night of writing and praying at the Lighthouse. Kicked back in the recliner, I pop on a mystery while I do a few things and a little blue light pops up on Facebook. A word of encouragement, a laugh, a prayer for me, a prayer request—something. At least once a week, it Continue Reading
This Gal Breaks My Heart & Makes Me Laugh
Supposedly there is some TV show about gals in Jersey. Me? I’ve got my own reality show playing out in my launch team’s private Facebook group. Two Jersey gals keeping me laughing, joking, and on my toes. Barb from yesterday is all about the cars (she’s a NASCAR fiend. Forgot to tell you that), Continue Reading
Every Team Needs an Authentic Jersey Girl
Our next Launch Team Member in my introductory series knew me back when I thought Harry Potter was of Satan. She knew me when I posted updates of my labor online as it progressed. You know those first words of Aggie? Yeah, she knew me back then. She loved me for William’s ‘Vette, and Continue Reading
Have You Ever Wondered What Inspires a Novel?
A few years ago, I joined the “Blogging for Books” program with Multnomah. Every few weeks, I’d get an email from Liz Johnson or another gal (I want to call her Abby), offering a new book to read. And when Liz left there to become an author, she sent me (and I assume others) an email thanking me for Continue Reading