I already told you how God slapped me upside the head and taught me how to lay down my preferences and focus on Him in worship at the SoCalCWConference HERE. But that wasn’t the only way I was surprised. Amid all the hubbub, the people asking for help with this, offering encouragement for Continue Reading
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Celebrating These 21 Indie Books for Independence Day
America. Land of the free--the ruggedly, independent, "don't tread on me" free. Our heritage includes innovation, expansion, settlement, and just a little more of that independent spirit. We didn't like taxation without representation, so we broke free of those chains. A couple of centuries Continue Reading
3 Reasons I Need an Inspiring Summer Reading List
Ocean breezes mingle salt spray with the distinctive scent of Coppertone. Beneath an umbrella and a two-inch layer of said Coppertone when you have skin that pleads with the sun to lobsterize every half-exposed toe, she sips iced tea from an In-n-Out cup. With the gentle undulation of waves lapping Continue Reading
7 Reasons I Think You Need a Journible Now!
Amazon. I swear it’s the 21st Century form of Santa Claus and the Sears Wish Book all rolled up in one package. How? Well, scroll through pages upon pages of anything you could ever want to purchase from any place in the world. It’s like Veggie Tales’ “StuffMart” on steroids. Because unlike a Continue Reading
Did You Know That It’s National Notebook Day?
Spiral bound. College ruled. Black cover. Seventy pages. I don’t know where I got it, because I didn’t like spiral ruled notebooks. The jagged edges when you pulled paper from them made my nerves do the jitterbug and my teeth itch. But I had one. And I distinctly remember the day I drew my first Continue Reading
How to Ruin a Great Book Review in 5 Simple Steps
The review burned holes into my eyes. On my youth adventure fantasy novel, Shadows & Secrets the insanely short, 1-star review mortified me. I can’t even bring myself to go look it up again, so I’m going on memory with my best recollection of the one-line review. “It was okay, but there was too Continue Reading
“Time, Time!” She’ll Cry, but There Is No Time!
“Where’s Madeline? I’m going crazy!!!” It’s encouraging when you get emails from readers who saw you say somewhere that you planned to release a book on February 20, 2018 and then they can’t find it anywhere. Add to this the fact that I have a blog tour for this book beginning… um… tomorrow, and Continue Reading
What Happens to Your Life When the Word Is the Standard
We sat across from each other in the booth at Denny’s. While she looked at the menu and chatted about something funny she saw on Facebook, I second-guessed my decision to get her opinion on my dilemma. What I had to ask wouldn’t be popular—even with someone as clearly committed to Biblical thinking Continue Reading
The First Just the Write 10 Best Novel Awards
“Who won the Christy Award?” “I don’t know, but did you hear who won the Carol Award?” “Nope—but I did hear that… oh, what’s his name. The guy who wrote that one about the cult living in a New York high rise? He won the Illumination Award!” “And my favorite author won the Christian Book Continue Reading
What Do YOU Think I Should Do about My Serial Novels?
"How soon can you get Past Forward ready for publication?" Nothing strikes fear in my heart like Ashley asking me when I can get something done. You see, it usually means I need to do it yesterday, and it usually means a lot of work. It also usually means a lot of success. And it was. It's Continue Reading
How to Write a Helpful Book Review in 10 Easy Steps.
Book drunk. It’s a thing. But like alcoholic drunkenness (or so I’ve observed), not all book hangovers are the same. Both fine quality alcohol and “gut rot” will produce that stupor (and its miserable after-effects) that follows a drinking binge. I see this weekly during the bar rush at Denny’s. Continue Reading
Emma: A Neighbor Thanks to the Wonders of the Internet
Late at night, while most of "my" world sleeps, it helps to have early- bird friends on the other side of the country or friends halfway across the world. My next launch team member is one of those latter folks. I’m so excited to be introducing Emma. She’s been on the team since we put out the Continue Reading