My morning routine: Mix my Xypstix drink, eat some yogurt, take my first supplements. For those who want just a quick recap, here it is:
The Laundry list of my day:
- Woke up (this may seem insignificant, but let’s just trust me that it’s not)
- Got dressed (see above)
- Did hair and makeup (because I am doing that lunch thing—somehow).
- Got breakfast.
- Checked social media and email while eating. (thankfully, I eat SLOWLY or I’d be needing food again before I got done with the computer stuff.
- Went out to eat and edited A Forgotten Truth
- Went to the grocery store and bought food/flowers.
- Made dinner (after cleaning kitchen)
- Made cards
- Went to gym
- Planned cool book idea
- Made itinerary and audio recording
- Read Bible.
Okay, so the audio was WAY too long. So, one of the things I mentioned in it was how I woke up. Now remember, #7 daughter is at basketball camp. that meant that only 2 kids were home (#2 son and # 6 daughter–15 and 17.75 respectively). Now every day for a couple of hours, I have the Bestekids (grandkids). And so I wasn’t surprised to have 4 extras. But I HAD forgotten that #6 daughter is babysitting. Four more kids. And within half an hour of waking… TWO more. So this is why I had a bit of a Facebook silliness today over not wanting to make dinner, giving myself an attitude adjustment, and then being irked when I go in to do my job and the kitchen was a disaster movie. UGH. Had to clean before I could cook. Always a joy. But you know what? It happens. Life happens. So… I think this means you can see the rest of my day and I can go to bed. With those cards unsigned. *blush* OH! And remind me to post about the planner thing and Willow. That was on the recording too.
Breakfast in my new Birthday cup of “famous first lines.” Vanilla yogurt. It’s exciting stuff.
By the time I was done with that, it was almost 2:00. I’m a slow eater. So, around 2:30 I went to eat my lunch out. This is what I had. Sandwich was great. I just realized that I didn’t even try a fry. LOL. This is NOT the restaurant I wanted to try. It closes at 2:00 Only in Ridgecrest. Sigh. so, maybe today? Maybe? I don’t know. We’ll see!
Then I went off to the store for some scintillating shopping. Everyone who knows me knows how much I LOVE shopping–especially grocery shopping. It’s the best. There I took this picture:
And had the Facebook gals pick out flowers for me. First one to post wins. Joan won. She picked these:
They’re actually the ones I wanted most. WOOT!
Then I went home, did some editing, and dreaded dinner. At least I had THESE to look at!
This is what I made. Can you guess what it is?
Maybe this’ll help…
Yep! Aggie’s Enchiladas! Mmmmmmmmmm. Yes, those tortillas are on a plate. No, it is not for aesthetic purposes. I turn a plate upside down over the top of another one and heat the tortillas that way (so they don’t crack when you roll ’em).
I actually made two pans. One for tonight and one for while I’m gone. I always dab a bit of sauce on the ones waiting to be finished so that they don’t get dry and crack. Cracked enchiladas are disappointing. Trust me. This is the desert. They dry out just by being out of the fridge.
Then, it was time to make cards. You know… those things. I went in my room and found this:
That’s what #7 daughter (Lorna) made me for my birthday. Tied, double-fleece blanket. In the desert. In July. Yeah. That. Goes to show what I know. I used it last night. It got a bit chilly. It’s been a very mild 10 days or so.
Once I cleaned off all that mess, I started workin’ on the cards:
Yes, they are quick and easy ones. Sorry… better than none, right?
That’ll go on top of the pocket. Isn’t it cute?
Ran out of tape OOPS!
Eight done! WOOHOO! Oy,yeah. I then let myself play with some scrap cards:
But they needed a bit of oomph, of course…
ta da!
ta da!
This is one of my favorites. I’ve made this one a few times. Speaking of cards, look what came in the mail today from a reader! THANKS!
My torture chamber a.k.a “In Shape.” I suppose they do that for some kind of “affirmation” or whatever. Just like when you go in and they say, “Have a good workout!” in the world’s most annoying peppy tone. Seriously? Didn’t anyone tell them that “good workout” is an oxymoron?
Of course, then there was the itinerary I keep saying I have to do. I did it on these cute papers I got for my birthday from a gift exchange I’m in. WOOT. There’s even a nice handy list of phone numbers on the right side of the bottom one!
Now I’m editing my audio recording (and we all know how that went. Wasted hour of my life), but while that works, I’ve got this open to read when I’m done. Maybe Wednesday will be the day! 🙂
There you have it… one, unbelievably exciting day and an audio recording that I can’t even share of such stunning quality, killer MBs, and amazing–I can’t do it. I can’t even joke. Hey, you’re getting the very raw “this is how it is, folks” stuff. And yeah. It’s not exciting–not really. but it’s my life. And I love it. 😀 See you tomorrow with further joys like…oh… alterations! oooooohhhhoooo.
I love these posts! Especially the pictures!!