“Man plans his ways…” Yeah. That. Okay, so two weeks ago, I decided I wanted to do this series now. I figured this would be the best week option for it. While not “normal” I did hope it would be reasonable. HA!
So, it all started “last night” at about 5 a.m. (Still July 20, but I’m weird, okay?). I didn’t get tired. That’s how I roll. I stay up until I’m tired and then I sleep until I’m rested. There was just one problem. I had to be awake at 8:00 a.m.
Which just proves I don’t know what I’m talking about. It all started last Friday when Lorna (#7 daughter a la Charlie Chan) came home with a sign up sheet for basketball camp. I filled it out. But alas, you have to sign a liability waiver that wasn’t included. I’m the only one who can sign it, so despite Lorna working hard to get rides set up, I had to get up to have here there by 8:30. Yeah. That.
Plan one: shot. No sleeping as long as I needed. Because you see, something else happened. I came home and I went back to bed. But I need a bare (although otherwise you’d think that should be “bear”) minimum of 7 hours of sleep. Nine is perfect. Eight is usual. Guess who got home by 9 and went straight to bed? Guess who had to be up by 12:30 to go get #7 daughter because I realized that the original plan of #1 daughter bringing her home leaves her alone for 10 minutes. At home? No problem. At THE COLLEGE? I don’t think so.
Blessing in disguise: A friend offered to take her to and from when they came out today. WOOT!

Now remember, I have plans for today. They are as follows:
- Take myself out to lunch
- Buy myself flowers
- Write birthday cards.
- Make more birthday cards.
I arrived home to a message from #1 daughter. She’s bringing me my favorite salad for my birthday. Okay, plan 2 changed. Oh, and plan 3 changed too. I didn’t want to go out to the store at that point.

But my big goal for the day was the birthday cards. See, I’m WAY behind on my birthday card sending. As in, three months. *blush!* So what better way to spend my birthday than by sending cards to readers who have been waiting WAY too long. I got all of April, May, and June in the address book and then I got ALL of the April cards done. Of course, I didn’t START on those cards until HOURS after I’d intended to. *whimpers*. So, the day ended and guess what? Only April got completely done. You see, I used up all of my cards. And there was no time to make more. 🙁 Still, I like it. I think I’ll be making a bunch tomorrow. It’s not what I was supposed to be doing, but I want to get caught up! Argh!

Then, of course, there was the gym. *cue weeping violins* So I get my voice recorder and decide to do a little audio discussion of my mixed up day. The seventeen minute stroll to the gym… perfect. I go in and BARELY get my .5 mile on the elliptical before taking on the treadmill again. Okay, something you should know about me. I made a deal with myself a while back. It works this way. I can read all I want–at the gym. Otherwise, I don’t get to read. That’s some serious motivation for me. I LOVE to read. For the curious, I was reading book 2 of THIS series–seriously good books. Great suspense, CLEAN (both smutually and verbally speaking) Soooooooo…
I walk home, I get a few new ideas for Carol and the Belles and.. guess what? I plug in my voice recorder and there’s CRAZY audio noise. I mean, I can hear it, but it’s annoying to listen to. It’s a “Murphy Day.” What else can I say? Day one was a total bust and yet… It’s what the Lord wanted, I suppose. Today reminded me of a quote by Annie Keary that Elisabeth Elliot mentioned in her book A Quiet Heart.
“I think I find most help in trying to look on all interruptions, and hindrances to work that one has planned out for oneself as discipline, trials sent by God to help one against getting selfish over one’s work. Then one can feel that perhaps one’s trues work—one’s work for God—consists in doing some trifling hap-hazard thing that has been thrown into one’s day. It is not waste of time, as one is tempted to think, it is the most important part of the work of the day,—the part one can best offer to God. After such a hindrance, do not rush after the planned work; trust that the time to finish it will be given sometime, and keep a quiet heart about it.”
So, I did. It’s good. Plans change. And that’s okay. Because things like This weren’t in those plans: Cheesecake surprise from my son-in-law.

So I was blessed with a wonderful day. A day of fabulous gifts from friends and family, reminders that I am loved, and a chance to remind “strangers” that I appreciate them–even if I’m super late showing it. *blush*
Thanks for joining me. I’m sure it was a thrill a second. *cough* Maybe tomorrow will be a “better” day. *snickers*
Oh golly I LOVE that series of FBI stories – creepy to just the right level – serious hottie alert on the agent and his sassy daughter – just a hoot.
You have far more control than I have – limiting reading to one place would make me stay in that one place 3 or 4 hours a day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the creative, charming, chaotic, Christian, clever, compassionate, captivating Chautona! (okay well it is for your birthday so I’m claiming artistic license which is not revocable for corniness!)
That’s why I’m in there for an hour or more! LOL
Happy belated birthday….
Thank you!
I loved this Chautona. It is real life and It is what happens to us all. Sometimes “life gets in the way,” but something good always come out of that. What a thoughtful family even with cards and gifts and yet it was done in the way you like: low key and little by little. (At least that is how you like a lot of things, except probably your writing :).
Sounds like a perfectly wonderful unplanned day. And there is always time for other things. I had one of those yesterday. I had several things set to do. Got one from that list done. The rest, there was always something else that popped up. Life happens and there is always tomorrow 😉
Happy (belated) Birthday!! Tried to get it out yestersay to you and another. Alas, a day late is better than no wishes at all.
I loved this Chautona. It is real life and It is what happens to us all. Sometimes “life gets in the way,” but something good always come out of that. What a thoughtful family even with cards and gifts and yet it was done in the way you like: low key and little by little. (At least that is how you like a lot of things, except probably your writing :).
Sounds like a perfectly wonderful unplanned day. And there is always time for other things. I had one of those yesterday. I had several things set to do. Got one from that list done. The rest, there was always something else that popped up. Life happens and there is always tomorrow 😉
Happy (belated) Birthday!! Tried to get it out yestersay to you and another. Alas, a day late is better than no wishes at all. ????????????????????????????????????????????????
Thank you!! Yes, low key is exactly how I like it! 😀
Happy Belated Birthday! ????
Love the selfie!
So, your to do list today looks much similar to yesterday’s! I SO know that feeling! ????
Yep! That’s about right!
Happy Birthday, thank you for blessing my life.