Romance novels. That’s what the industry calls them. People have other names for the “real” thing. You know, like “bodice rippers.” I’ve heard that one a lot.
I have my own names for them. Or, rather, I came up with a few as a cathartic way to deal with today’s blog post. How about “Blush painters”? Maybe “50 Shades of Red Faces?” (What would Freud say if I admitted I almost accidentally typed feces? No, really. It wasn’t intentional, and fec appeared before I realized that I needed an A there.)
What does all this have to do with my “guilty pleasures”?
I’m getting there. But um… yeah. See, I committed to doing this blog post challenge thing. Remember? 52 weeks of post prompts. When I found it, I didn’t pay close attention to who sponsored it. Let me enlighten you. It’s “Marketing for Romance Writers.”
Look, there’s nothing wrong with romance writers marketing their books. People want the books, and authors putting theirs in front of people already looking for them is saving those folks time and energy. But…
Well, there’s a definition issue here. You see, many of my books end up under the genre of “Christian romance.” They do this because there is often some romantic element in there, and it’s the only category that they fit under. Publishers are limited by the industry standards. For example, did you know there isn’t a “Mystery” category under Christian fiction? Nope. Not a one. There’s suspense, but apparently, if you’re a Christian, there’s no mystery in your life.
Yeah. Someone didn’t read Ephesians, or, rather, they did. Either way. No mystery now!
So, my books often end up in the “romance” category because some guy decides that girl is pretty cool–all while saving the family farm or whatever. Yeah. It doesn’t really fit in my not-so-humble-opinion.
I don’t think I’m alone in that.
C’mon. Those that read that blog (the one for marketing romance) would laugh my “weak” romance out of the water. After all, I’m the gal who wrote a book with a kiss that most people missed in the first reading.
So when I read “Seven Guilty Pleasures,” I was thinking about things I enjoy that tempt me away from being a responsible adult. I doubt that’s what that post meant, based on the few I glanced at. Some were nice and sweet and normal. But a few…
Look, I don’t know if they got racy. I started reading, got that “Uh, oh” tingle at the back of my neck, and closed out. Just in case.
So… what are my so-called “guilty pleasures?”
- Journals/Notebooks (I have dozens. Literally)
- Naps (I take one EVERY day. Sometimes twice.)
- Eating out alone (seriously one of my favorite things to do)
- Pens. This goes nicely with #1, don’t you think? (I have dozens of these, too. And some are rather pricey)
- See’s Candy (I am grateful we don’t have a store here. It’s a 90-mile drive if I want to buy just one piece. And if you just buy one, you won’t eat a whole pound)
- Long car drives… also works well with #3 & #5. Just sayin’. (I put on the voice recorder and get ready to do #7)
- Writing. Shocker, I know. (But I really do love escaping into a world I’ve created and seeing what happens next!)
Nothing earth-shattering.
No one will ever look at me and my life and think, “How glamorous.” I’ll leave that to the real romance writers. Or should I call them “global warmers.” Mmmwaahahah!
Oh, yeah. Make that 8 guilty pleasures. I also love coming up with alternate names for things like lipstick colors, perfumes, health trends, oh yeah. And romance novels. Definitely, love coming up with alternate names for heart palpitators.