Once upon a time, an aspiring author was writing about a young college graduate who inherited her sister’s eight children. It was the first time the author had attempted to write in about fifteen years. I tell you this, because it goes to show just how much said author didn’t know about herself AS a writer. So when she became disgusted at the stereotypical parings in movies and books, a new idea sparked. You see, she noticed that in fiction (movies and books) attractive couples often meet and fall in love. She also noticed that an attractive woman often met a “geeky”, supposedly less attractive man in the whole “how did a guy like that score a girl like THAT?” kind of scenario. But rarely (and she couldn’t name even one) did the drop dead gorgeous guy fall for an average, overweight, bespectacled Jane Doe. And she wanted to do something about it.
So began yet another lesson on myself. I have writer’s ADD. Within three months of that, I had five books in progress, and as of today, I have over 150 either in print or in progress (over 250 in 2016). I get an idea and I run with it while I’m excited, because then when I have time to work on it, I have everything set and ready to fly.
Being one of my first books (and the first published) Noble Pursuits is both a favorite and a least favorite of mine. I made every publishing mistake possible with it (thankfully, most of them were corrected in a re-edit) but Grace is one of my absolute favorite characters. I just love how comfortable she is in her own (ample like mine!) skin. 😉 I love several scenes in that book–the mouse freakout being a favorite–and well, I’m particularly fond of the scripture switch too. People have asked me how I can stand Craig. Who says I can? They ask why I think it’s okay for a guy to be so overbearing about his adult sister. I never said I did. They’re characters, and sometimes, even people we love and appreciate are obnoxious and annoying. Grace handles it well–you know, with grace. 😉
I love Grace… Nolan. His friends–hers. And it really sparked quite a few other books. And that’s good, too.
bettyann53 says
I bought my ebook March 27, 2013. Is there a way to get the updated version? I love all your books. 🙂
Chautona says
Somewhere in your kindle thing under your account, there’s a way to ask for an updated version. I’ve done it before, but now I can’t find it. anyone know how?
Alicia G says
I love your books and am excited to read this one. Thanks for sharing them at a discount.
Emily Grace says
I get pretty freaked out… one night I was sitting in bed, reading a book, when my cat started making this strange noise… it sounded like she was meowing with her mouth full of food. She didn’t normally play with her toy mice, but this night she jumped up on my bed with one of the toys in her mouse. I asked her what she had, and she proudly dropped that toy mouse at the foot of my bed… and it ran across my bed and dropped down onto the floor! It wasn’t a toy! I screamed, too scared to get off the bed for fear the mouse would scamper across my feet! When my hubby got home from work that night (he worked swing shift, so it was late), every single light on the house was turned on. The next day the neighbors asked if everything was ok… they knew I normally went to bed early, but when they saw all the lights on, they wondered if something was wrong. Ha! Yes, there was! 🙂
Joanna says
I love your books!! Looking forward to reading this one!! 🙂
Alicia says
What is considered an old copy vs the recently re-edited one?? ;). I got mine probably 5-6 months ago or sooner…
Chautona says
You should have the re-edit then. We did that last summer I think. I’ll ask Christy and email you if I’m wrong.