It’d be simple (mantra in the definition of a “truism” rather than some Hindu type religious thing).
Life is short; live it fully.
This is the essence of Thoreau’s words in Walden.
“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, To put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die Discover that I had not lived.”
Gotta love old Henry David– Ever notice that if you spell his name like it sounds rather than correctly, it could be spelled “thorough?” I love that. Live life thoroughly or… Thoreau-ly.
Life is a gift and yet how much time do we spend existing rather than living. So often I hear people say things like, “I’m just passing through” like the old hymn says. Ok, I agree that the world isn’t our home. I get that this is temporary–fleeting. Contrary to a few opinions people assume I have, I am not dreading death or the end of this life. I simply see it as something to embrace. If someone sends you on a tour of Europe, you don’t just ignore what’s around you and say, “Oh, I’m just passing through. This isn’t important. I’ve got better things coming.” Well, I should hope you don’t. You enjoy it! You savor the experience because most people don’t get to do it.
Why can’t that be the same in my little desert town? Why must I “suffer” through a monotonous repetition of days passing because I don’t live in Italy or Switzerland? Why is it ok for me to revel in the experience of visiting the Sahara Desert but I’m supposed to plod through life in the Mojave? Hogwash.
I try to add this into my writing. In most of my books, somewhere, I have someone exemplify this idea, state it, or do the opposite–never seem to care. It’s my “thing.”
Look. You get one life on this earth. I know better is coming for those belonging to the Lord. I am thrilled to know that. But you just don’t ignore the gift He gives you today because you want better. What would you say if your kid did that. “Nah,” stuffs the gift in a box and shoves it in the back of the closet, “I’ll wait for the good one you promised.”
Embrace God’s gift of life HERE today.
Some people think I’m nuts, but my goal is to love living the life He has given me so much, that I ALMOST regret having to leave it for better. I want to hover near that almost as close as I can. I want to “suck out all the marrow of this life.”
Live–to the maximum. I dare you.
I agree 100%! Live fully and make the world a better place as you go! :0)
There are a lot of gifts in this world, and if we spend all of our time waiting and wishing expectantly for what lies beyond, we miss the gifts we’ve been given for the NOW. I’m not saying that what comes next isn’t great. I believe it is. But, the things we have now are pretty cool too… why waste it?