I’ve been looking forward to this review for weeks. I love when authors tackle difficult subjects and don’t pretend that people wearing the name of Christ always remember that and act like it.
However, as I started reading this book, I instantly became uncomfortable. Still, sometimes we have to see a little ugliness to appreciate the beauty.
If only that ugliness didn’t have to be quite so vivid. I don’t want the kind of details I’m given about what goes on in the privacy of someone’s bedroom even if it is “off-screen.” And I was given more than I could handle–from more than one perspective and more than one “relationship.”
Truthfully, I read farther than I should have because I could see what the author is doing with this story. It’s an important topic. Unfortunately, it’s done in a way I just can’t read, and I’m sorry about that. I gave my word that I’d read this book, and I just couldn’t.
What I can tell you:
Many reviews on this tour give this book high praise. Reviewers mentioned the issues I had, but some said it got better later. From what I can tell, this is a very redemptive story. Additionally, the characters do focus on the Lord even in their messy selves (and isn’t that what we want?).
The writing has a few problems–mainly, point of view shifts within scenes and an awful lot of telling/explaining. However, if the other issues weren’t there, I doubt it would have affected a star rating for me. I’m not sure, but I don’t think so. Additionally, some sections got a bit preachy.
As it is, I won’t be leaving a review because that would be unjust to the author. My personal comfort zone is not her fault. That said, if the book had included a synopsis that either alluded to or outright said what the topic of the story was, and was forthright about that the sexual content in the book, I would not have requested the review copy I received.
I am ever so grateful for the honesty of your opinion. I have come to realize that my writings aren’t “fit” for everyone but for those who have embraced Christ and through this book, have turned from their decisions to divorce but decided instead, to stay married and to stand of God’s Word, I am most blessed.
Thank you for not taking offense–none was certainly intended. I pray the book will find its way into the perfect hands so lives may be blessed.
I get that “uncomfort” feeling in a lot of genres. I have often found that African American writers are more inclined to be more “specific” than you might think is necessary, but I also remember when historical romance had a formula of 3 bedroom scenes per book spaced out in specific places or your manuscript would be rejected… ::shrug shoulders::