What major part of your wedding could have been a disaster if the Lord hadn’t intervened?
That was the question given to the Independence Islands Authors (by me, no less). Guess that means I have to answer it, too. And well, really, I’d answer… the whole thing.
Picture it. I was eighteen and had attended one wedding in my life and stood up as a bridesmaid in the world’s shortest ceremony for my brother’s. I new ZERO, nada, nuttin’ about weddings. And well, that annoyed… people. Trying to be somewhat discreet here, but here’s the deal.
Every single thing about our wedding, aside from me sticking up for how I insisted the flowers be arranged (finally) was either dictated, countermanded, or manipulated by… someone. Just a note, our parents were not involved and were not the problem. By the time the rehearsal came… we were done. Especially when one member of the bridal party went off on me. Lied to Kevin and terrified him. I remember asking him if we should just leave early.
I’m still surprised he didn’t say yes.
But Mrs. Hopping, one of my favorite ladies at church, pulled me aside, encouraged me, and then went off to tell our disruptor what was what. When it started again, she took care of it. And she let our hosts know so that I would be protected from further stuff when we left the church for the night.
It all started again when we arrived at our hosts’ house and… they put a stop to it, but I was done. See, we were already married. We didn’t need this stupid wedding. It wasn’t worth the strain on us or everyone around us. Why endure this nonsense?
That’s when we made the decision.
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Take a Guess: Did We Skip Our Wedding to Avoid Complete Disaster?
People had been so good to us, helping, volunteering, praying, loving. Friends had joined us to create a special day. Family and friends had driven miles and miles to see us. Mrs. Hopping had gone to battle for me. We wouldn’t disrespect those gifts to avoid unpleasantness–no matter how much we really wanted to.
And we really wanted to.
Aside from running out of punch–twice, no less–it was a lovely wedding. Well and also aside from the fact that I’d lost so much weight in the weeks leading up to the wedding (jaw wired shut) that I could stand in my dress, turn, and the dress would stay where it had been. *blush* The photographer kept saying, “Get back in your dress.” So embarrassing. Hee hee!
So why are the Independence Islands authors talking about wedding fiascoes?
Well… today’s the DAY! WOOHOO! Today my final book in the Independence Islands Series, Book, Chapter, & Vows, releases! It’s time for Mallory and Benjamin’s story. And it should have been smooth sailing, too. But this happened, and that happened. Then the other happened, and to find out those happenings, you’ve got to read the book. Here’s a spoiler for you, though. Something goes terribly wrong a week before the wedding. And God, as He did with me, fixes it. Because that’s what our good God does.
Book Chapter, & Vows
Falling in love with Benjamin wasn’t in the plan, but Mallory finds she’s all but lost her head and her heart after two and a half years of banter, memories, and now shared books.
But when her ex-fiance (does it count if it was just for a few hours?) shows up right in the middle of a writing project with Benjamin, the guy manages to ruin her happiness… again.
Benjamin has been keeping one tiny part of him back from Mallory–just the one thing that’ll repel her for good.
So when the ex-boyfriend-slash-fiance shows up, and things look serious again, he takes a giant step back and prays he can keep his heart intact in the process.
They’re clearly meant for each other. God obviously has a plan. So what’s it going to take for Mallory and Benjamin to work things out and get those vows made?
This Breakers Head novel is Chautona Havig’s final book in the Independence Islands Series featuring five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happily-ever-afters.
The Independence Islands Series: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore.
NOTE!: You can preorder/release order the paperback at 30% off with FREE shipping from Celebrate Lit Publishing. Just scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and fill out the form!
Watch out for my giveaways in my Facebook group and on Instagram!
And follow the other authors to learn about their wedding disasters and for chances to win prizes during this release week fun.
Oof, weddings are stressful enough. Some people just need to take a seat. Happy release day, my friend!