The Stained Glass Legacy series continues with its next release, Window of the Heart by Amy R. Anguish. After seeing the little chapel during the Prohibition era and then during the Vietnam War, we’re now at contemporary times, and Amy describes a chapel that lovers of this series might not recognize anymore. Never fear, she’s got someone coming in to work his magic in the chapel and in a character’s heart. Listen in to a romance about a woman who doesn’t believe in love.
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Can a Hopeless Romantic Change Her Mind about Love?
Need a wedding venue? Well… how about the chapel? Falling apart? Check! Filthy? Check? Toilet sitting on the platform? It’s perfect!!!
Snort. I don’t know about you, but I kind of get why Amy Anguish’s character (Lennox) isn’t so sure about the chapel as a wedding venue. Then again, there’s that window. It started out as a Window of Opportunity, became a Window of Peace, and now it’s a Window of Heart. What more could an optimistic, sunshiny bride want?
When Amy described Lennox as soured on love and doesn’t believe in it, and then mentioned that her MMC is… a hopeless romantic, well. I busted out laughing. I mean, how perfect is THAT? MMMMWWWAAAHAHA.
But just as exciting as the release (for those close enough to go) is their cool multi-author book signing at The Spine Bookshop in Smyrna, TN. Check out the EVENTS page on their website to learn more (click on August 12)
Window of the Heart by Amy R. Anguish
Lennox Malone may not believe in love, but she’s determined to do the best job she can as her friend Sara Beth’s maid of honor. Problem is, the man in charge of fixing up the chapel doesn’t match her determination. Fighting against preconceived notions, a past that catches up to her, and an attraction she wants nothing to do with, this wedding is turning into more than she can handle.
Ty Dunne might be laid back and easy-going, but he’s determined to make sure the chapel is ready for his cousin’s wedding. Not only is it his duty as best man, but he wants to preserve the family’s history in the building. If only he could live up to his family’s other expectations—or those of Lennox Malone, the fiery redhead he can’t stop thinking about. Before he can go any further with her, though, he has to convince her that love is real and worth the risk.
Lennox has built her walls high and sturdy, but Ty is determined to find a way in—even if it’s a window. Maybe the history of the chapel itself along with the romance of a wedding will help.
You can read her blog posts over at
Visit Amy at her WEBSITE or on GoodReads and BookBub.
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Link to info about book signing in smyrna TN
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