This week is the final episode in our three-part series on classic retellings, continuing stories, and mashups with Sandy Barela from Celebrate Lit Publishing. Before we get to the brainstorming session (the last part of a nearly two-hour recording that I broke up), I gave a short, mini-gush about one of the books we discussed in Episode 13 (about the great ones already in print). I loved the book, Dust, by Kara Swanson and had to rave about it for a few minutes. My review for that book is HERE.
Then… onto our brainstorming session and a reminder about the contest!
Ready for the Great Stories from This Exciting Contest?
One thing we didn’t remind authors of in this episode is that anything we came up with in this brainstorming session is fair game. If you liked any of the ideas or suggestions, please do feel free to run with it—either for the contest or just because you want to write it!
In no particular order, I know we discussed:
- Alexander Dumas and his Three Musketeers, Count of Monte Cristo, Man in the Iron Mask, and some of his family history.
- Dickens, of course (in passing).
- Edgar Allen Poe
- Shakespeare (we pretty much turned everything of his into something)
- Louisa May Alcott (Come on… Eight Cousins? Please!)
- Lewis Carroll
- Sir Walter Scott: Particularly Ivanhoe… in space!
- Both The Scarlet Letter (Amish?) and The Scarlet Pimpernel (WWII?).
- Jules Verne
- Jack London
- H.G. Wells
- Frankenstein
- So many more!
I wrapped up the episode with a couple of things.
The Celebrate Lit Story Mashup/Retelling Contest!
To enter:
Fill out THE FORM for this exciting contest with
- Name
- Story idea
- What inspired you
By August 31, 2020.
Then, by December 31, 2020, Send in the following:
- The first 3 chapters (as clean as you can edit them)
- A full editor’s synopsis (tell everything that’ll happen—share all the spoilers)
- A marketing plan
To learn how to make a good marketing plan, join the discussion at Christian Authors Anonymous over on Facebook.
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