Here at Mom’s, it seems like every time we turn around, something else happens. I’ve caught both of us saying (with a little trepidation tiptoeing around the words), “What’s next?”
It started with medical records not being ready when promised… with the sale of the house falling through. Again. And again. With paperwork not being right so it threatens to mess up more. With Mom going from getting stronger every day to growing weaker again.
Now that we finally have a departure date, our “What’s next?” questions are more positive. What’ll the doctor do first? How will Neville like Mom? How much time will she get with #1daughter before she moves to this side of the country?
Life is full of “What’s next?” moments, and months before any of this happened, I requested a free review copy of Daniel Ryan Day’s book, What’s Next because it sounded like something people would enjoy. But will you?
Note: Links may be affiliate links that provide me with a small commission at no extra expense to you. Additionally, I requested a review copy and was provided one at no expense and with no expectations of a favorable review.
Do I Think You Will Love What’s Next?
While billed as a book about career and educational choices, I consider What’s Next to be more about life purpose. The chapters are easy to read, full of Biblical examples offered both as paraphrases of Scripture and as modern retellings, and written in a casual, conversational style.
What’s Next progresses at a natural pace and is well organized. Within the pages, you’ll find a look into words that we in the church throw around like buzzwords instead of practical helps from the Lord. Words like, “calling” and “will of God.” Instead of leading you through ten steps to a brighter future and successful career, Day takes you to the feet of Jesus and reminds you of what is truly important.
Christians who are well-versed in the Bible may feel as though it’s rather basic–simplistic, even. However, sometimes even mature Christians need to see those simple stories for the gems they are. We need to revisit them with fresh, new eyes. I think that’s what Day did with his retellings. He made us look at them again.
Will this book change your life? Nope. That’s God’s job. But this book can remind you of many of the things the One Who can and does change lives can and will do in yours.
So yes, if you need encouragement, if you’re at a crossroads, if you’re confused about what “calling” even means in your life, I think Daniel Day’s, What’s Next will be a book you’ll love and enjoy. I know I’m sure glad I requested a free review copy! Recommended for people who need a refresher on discerning God’s will, for those at a crossroads in their lives, and for everyone who just needs a little encouragement.
Don’t we think God has that perfect job for us? Everyone of us have thought “What do I do next?” I don’t know about you but I tend to set ridiculous goals in the midst of a crazy life
Thank you for sharing this important resource!
I always enjoy visiting your blog! What’s Next is so relevant for … pretty much everyone.
Sounds great! Thanks for the review!
This sounds like an amazing book.
Sounds like a good book.
Looking forward to reading this one!
looks interesting – what we all need all the time
This book sounds very interesting. It sounds like it would be a great asset for pastors to use in ministry to people who are trying to make life choices.