What have I been up to? Why do I feel like “I’ve arrived” once more? I’ll tell you! See, last Wednesday, I flew to AsheVOLL (I’ll explain that in another post) North Carolina. I spent Labor Day weekend laboring on Project Stephen and then began the long drive from Buladean, NC to Morgantown, WV where my friend Michele (the one who loves Speak Now) had set up a book signing. It was just over a six hour drive. Mid-route, I stopped in Princeton, WV to meet two readers. Joy and Jan were delightful women who even brought me a little gift! I now possess a hat that says I’m a “Southern Girl” and a mug that no one in my house better touch without permission. Just sayin’.
On Tuesday, I got up, made the drive to my friend’s house, visited with her and her children, and then began the long drive back to Asheville. (Note: I wanted a picture of us together here, but it hasn’t uploaded yet, so … oh well) IT.Took. FOREVER. I wasn’t but a couple of hours down the road when I found myself struggling to stay awake. It terrified me. I had to be on the plane by 9:40 Wednesday morning! So I debated. Should I pull off early, eat, get some sleep, and drive straight through to the airport? As I pulled off the highway to eat, I realized that it was 5:30 p.m. (Tuesday) and I hadn’t eaten since 7:30 p.m. Monday night.
I got online and bugged Michele about it. I was struggling to think, trying not to cry, and didn’t really know what to do. She was amazing. Got me eating, got me thinking, and by the time I was done, I felt confident again. Still, that 7 hour drive back took more like 10 hours by the time I got done eating, stopping to read my next directions, stopping to beg her to look up exit numbers because mine weren’t making sense, and stopping to take pictures of a bridge. Yeah. I’m a tourist. I dragged myself into the hotel around 12:30 p.m.
2016 Update: Who knew this would become an annual trek of meeting readers and fun??? Can’t wait for this year’s trip in October!
Charlene Barnes says
I had back surgery 2 weeks ago, so I decided to Declutter. What a job it was. I went through all the old mail, and filed important things. I gave away a lot of my Christian books to a friend. Now I’m healing and not stressing the little things that needed to be done. I’m in no pain, as surgery was done minamumly invasive, and so I been reading a lot, and enjoying ever minute.
Joann says
I downloaded the book, Tweeted on twitter, Pinned on pinterest the book trailer, Pinned the book cover, Got rid of all my junk email!
Vicki says
Since I see no where to enter, I downloaded the book, tweeted, pinned the trailer, and pinned the cover, plus my previous comment abt getting rid of an old desk I no longer used ( abt killed me to junk it, lol)!
Vicki H says
I got rid of an.old desk I have had forever!
Stefany says
The. 35-year-old baby clothes that my mother saved to give me when I had a girl…they were all crusty and the elastic a had gone out!
Connie says
Threw away my winter boots that had rubbed through in one spot. Really liked the way they fit. Ugghhh. Will have to shop now. 🙂 Hope I can find a pair as comfortable.
Erin says
Oh, and I also downloaded, tweeted, and emailed.
Erin says
Just finished cleaning out our entire storage shed and holding a big yard sale. Feels so good!
Andrea Rossignol says
Please don’t die driving on an empty stomach and little sleep!!!!! (or any other way) This week I decluttered my closet and dresser and found clothes I didn’t even remember I had…
Amie says
Went through my girls’ clothes, bags are out in the truck waiting for Salvation Army this weekend.
bn100 says
cleaned my bookshelf
Sharon E says
I took the whole month of July off from work in California, flew home to NY and decluttered several rooms. I had a huge yard sale, and what didn’t sell, I gave to my friend who has a “used everything” store. I even traded a camper and PU truck for a Red Corvette! I also had a great vacation with family.
Lora says
Downloaded and pinned the cover. I got rid of all of my catalogs and decluttered the kitchen counter where stuff just appears out of nowhere.
MS Barb says
I thought I had decluttered a lot after meeting “Flylady” but then I started reading tips about people who live in tiny houses (no, I don’t want to live in a tiny house! I do want my house organized & uncluttered!) I did take the OLD comforter set to the Goodwill-don’t know why I was hanging onto it!
Amy says
Downloaded, pinned the cover, pinned the trailer. We got rid of about 3/4 of our toys…best decision we’ve ever made! And the kids haven’t missed a thing!
Karin says
I downloaded – I am excited to start reading! I don’t Tweet, but I have told friends! We have been doing MAJOR decluttering – the local group that helps homeless veterans is our choice for donating.
kristen says
shredded and pitched a whole stack of old paystubs sittin on my desk and cleaned off some bookshelves.
downloaded the book – love all your books!! looking forward to starting this new series!!!
carishepard says
Downloaded, tweet, pinned and pinned. As for the decluttering, it’s a work in progress. I’m constantly going through stuff and I have the perpetual black garbage bag in my room called the “goodwill bag” that as the youngest out-grows stuff into the bag it goes.
Shelia says
Cleaned out my dresser drawers and threw away a lot of my husbands clothes and gave them to a family who had lost theirs due to a fire. My husband had passed away and needed to go through them, but had been putting it off.
lana says
Broke down the denial that my little girl is growing up and got rid of all my 4T/5T clothes Some of my favorites from you, challice and Cathe went out the door.. I DID shed a tear.
Audrey B. says
Just declutter the floor in a less used room.
Emily says
We’re in the process of moving, so I’m trying to get rid of anything possible! We’re downsizing our home by almost 800 square feet, so I’m trying to get rid of as much as possible. Some days I’m in the mode of “let’s get rid of everything!” 🙂 Oh, and I downloaded the book, and pinned the trailer and cover. Thanks! I can’t wait to start reading this one!
Susan (DE) says
I have been decluttering (more than usual) these last few weeks. I am going through lots of PAPERS, including papers on which I write notes to myself, then later write VERY SIMILAR notes, then… I’m also going through old magazines, some files from my cabinet, and…did I mention PAPERS???
Kim says
I spent the whole summer going through the house and getting rid of stuff–it resulted in several trips to charities. It feels great to de-clutter!
Carol says
Pulled a dozen items off hangars that I have been saving for the day I am twenty pounds less… Pulled a dozen more that I have been saving in case I ever regain the ten pounds I have actually lost… And put them into the donation pile. Have de-cluttered one drawer in my dresser but have to admit half of it went into other drawers. In some things I am hopeless.
Marcia Lee says
At the beginning of the year, I found a great pinterest pin: “Painless Closet Purging” from the creativityexchange.com. Here is the link: http://www.thecreativityexchange.com/2013/01/how-to-outsmart-your-closet-painless-closet-purging.html. The one tip that helped the most was to put the items you are donating in black plastic garbage bags, put them in the trunk of your car & the next time you run errands, take them to Goodwill or the Salvation Army & don’t look back. I painlessly decluttered my closet & I use this tip whenever I need to purge any part of my house.
Morgan says
Baby items and clothes my son doesn’t fit anymore. I also downloaded the book and subscribe to the newsletter
Rebecca says
Downloaded episode 1, cover and trailer. 🙂 After school today I hope to read.
Faith Alwaise says
Two bags of clothes to the local rehab house for resale. Where did the like button go on the Kindle page?
Lynn :O) says
PS. Did the whole everything except Tweet (I don’t do that)
Lynn :O) says
I don’t know if I actually de-clutter or if I just move my pile of mess from one room to another. I finally got my laundry room/library tidied up only to find half the pile of mess in another area of the house. I should really hire my daughter, she could start up her own de-cluttering business, she’s brutal.
Beloved Daughter Diane says
I decluttered my desk which has been quite an embarrassing pile of mess for three years. Embarrassing. I’m looking forward to reading “Diary of a De-cluttering Junkie”!
Michele says
The bag of shoes that’s been sitting here for a month is gone as of today!
Jodi Lorence says
I de-clutter on a daily basis because just as soon as I get through the pile of junk mail I am getting more! I have decided that the junk mail goes to the recycling bin BEFORE I come in the house. That has been working way better. I have to admit I do still have a couple of bags in the garage that still need to get to the thrift store. They stare me in the face every time I walk by them. Here is my thoughts however……I will bring it in the fall because of course they are winter coats and who needs a winter coat in the summer. So, now to get them there SOOOOON!
mamabeck says
You KNOW all these posts are making me giddy… LOL… just sold a table and chairs that has needed to GO for some time, now. Got a fair price for it, too! Woot!
Julie Meadows says
I downloaded, liked, and forwarded. I also decluttered my kitchen counter, well, my part of the clutter anyway. (So….that’s what color it it! lol)
Mari Tysar says
I’m an avid de-clutterer every summer I go through the whole house and get rid of everything we didn’t use in the previous year. It drives my hubby nuts. 😀 Just last week, I got rid of a lot of junk hanging on my walls. 🙂
Wesley Dupere says
I may be moving out of state in the near future which will mean packing up a house where I have lived for 13 years. One of the first projects was my bedroom closet. I ended up taking 10 trash bags of good clothes to a thrift store, threw away several more bags that weren’t good enough to donate and discovered some other clothes that I like but forgot I had. Now there is nothing in my bedroom that doesn’t belong.
Joy says
I shredded a dense stack of junk mail! No more applications offering me a sky-high credit limit for a low introductory APR (with a variable 24.99% variable APR after 12 months!) No more random scraps of paper with my name and address floating around the house when they get caught in the draft of the ceiling fan. No more ads for services I never realized I need & places I never realized I want to go. I’m free! (Except for the trashbag full of shredded paper I now need to haul to the recycling center…so did I declutter, or just repackage the clutter?!)
Kathy says
Decluttered the breezeway and got rid of items that took up way too much room and were rarely used!
Emily says
It never seems like I see the results, but I am constantly trying to de-clutter our house! Yesterday I made another “recyclable clutter” sweep, where I pick up everything non-essential and recyclable and toss it in the bin.
Downloaded & pinned the cover and trailer.
kenzie says
Downloaded,pinned both cover and trailer. took old clothes to a thrift store
Phyllis says
I don’t see the usual entry box, but I downloaded, “tweeted,” and here’s a comment:
It seems like my whole life is decluttering now, since we’re in the process of moving. Mostly it’s been about sorting out children’s clothes.
Rebecca says
I declutter all the time! Today I’m taking a load of children’s clothes to the consignment shop! I also downloaded the book, get your newsletter and pinned the cover!
Patricia Barrette says
Downloaded the book, and took several boxes of books and VCR tapes to our local library;
Anam Cara says
pinned, downloaded, can’t wait to read!
Beth says
I just declutted 6 months of mail — I got a huge box that my brother has been saving for us and got it down to just an inch.
Anam Cara says
magazines that have stacked up that I didn’t have time to read – 6 months worth gone in seconds. Figured the same information would show up someplace else later.
Randa Greer says
decluttered the “sewing” room and packed up all the fabric for those “one-of-these-days” projects
Jackie says
Finally went thru a whole stack of junk mail, recycled and burn the lot of it!!
On another note…being somewhat new to this blog and author, in the AMAZON: bit it says to download and hit the “like” thumb….where is the like thumb?? I can’t find it and I’ve looked and looked and looked!
Chautona says
I thought i deleted that. They used to have one, but it’s gone. Sorry gals!
sodbusters says
decluttered a whole drawer of stuff to return. Finally got that accomplished
Emma says
Got rid of unwanted newsletters from different companies 😀 my inbox is so free now!
Chautona says
You just showed the irony of me sending out a newsletter about a book called “De-cluttering Junkie” in which I suggest FORWARDING the newsletter (junk mail) to someone else! I’m lost in giggles right now.
Imogene says
Junk mail! It is a constant thing for me. I toss it daily.
Gwenyth Davis says
chucked out my old slippers last week . Had them in the cupboardfor about 4 years not wearing them