Yes, I’m using today’s post as an advertisement for my next Not-So-Fairy Tales book. Sue me. No, don’t. I don’t have anything you want. Sorry. If I win the Lottery (guess I better start playing), I’ll let you know and you can sue me then, ok?
Where was I? Oh, Everard. He’s coming along nicely. His quests have gotten harder than ever. You see, this young man in 1945 Napa keeps usurping his place in my writing schedule. Avelino apologizes for the delay this causes.
So, what is Everard doing these days? He’s going out on quests to slay dragons, giants, “enchantresses,” oh my! Nothing is as it seems, and isn’t that just how life goes sometimes? He’s facing his biggest fears and the results are staggering!
However, behind it all, a plot unfolds–one so old and so unbelievable, that I can’t even believe it.
You know, the first book was just supposed to be a “short story” for fun for a little girl who had a pretty paisley medieval dress for her birthday. Ok, so my idea of short is pretty long. Seventy thousand words later, we have Princess Paisley. I really thought that’d be the end of my foray into fairy tales. Nope. Everard came knocking on my door and asked if I’d tell his story. Who am I to argue with that?
So, I hope he’ll be ready for publication soon. I’m dreaming of June, but I am not certain. See, it’s not done (well over half done though) and I can’t settle on a cover (which annoys me to no end). However, as a consolation prize, I offer you this tiny sneak peek.

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“Can’t settle on a cover”… wow, that’s a great problem to have! Good on you — I look forward to reading your “short” novel! 🙂
Andi-Roo /// @theworld4realz
[email protected]
Ooh sounds exciting! Good luck with finishing in time. 🙂