NOTE: This doesn’t begin until December 6, 2020 at 6:00 Eastern. Until then, many links won’t work.
Merry Christmas! It’s my turn on in this Christmas Round-Robin! Don’t forget, each author asks a question at each blog stop. You will find the answers to these questions by checking out the free Amazon preview of their book. Provide the answer at this Google Form.
Note: You must answer a question from each author in the round-robin to be considered to win one of the three generous Amazon gift cards. At the end of my post, you’ll find a link to the next blog. Each blog contains a link to the next for ease of following.
Also: Links may be affiliate links that provide me with a small commission at no extra expense to you
My book, Christmas on Breakers Point, wasn’t supposed to be more than a quick story to introduce readers to the (then) upcoming Independence Islands Series. We just wanted a nice book to tide (pun intended) people over until July when the first book would release.
Mallory Barrows, my main character in the series, would have none of that. She had a story to tell and insisted I do it justice. I’ll be honest, I don’t know if anyone but the Lord could do that story justice, but I did my best. Covering love, loss, and total dependence on the Lord contrasted with disillusionment with the church and personal faith, Christmas on Breakers Point will touch your heart as all Christmas stories should, but it’ll also challenge your faith.
Isn’t that what Christmas is all about, though?
Uncle Bud has become not only my favorite character I’ve ever written but many of my readers’ as well. Able to use a dozen different endearments in half as many minutes, I’m sure you’ll love him as much as I do.
Even better, Christmas on Breakers Point is now available on audiobook from any of your favorite retailers–Kobo, Nook, Scribd, Apple Books, Google Play, Audible, and more!
Let’s begin this scavenger hunt! Go to Christmas on Breakers Point on Amazon at this link and find out what Uncle Bud calls his impending death.
Thank you so much for visiting!
The next author on the tour is Jaycee Weaver, and I know you’ll love learning about her Christmas book Five Gold Rings. You can find it at this link. Remember that the round-robin will end on December 13th at 11:59 PM EST!
Thank you for such a fun scavenger hunt!
Google form doesn’t work. He wants a miracle wrapped in paper with a red bow.
His final gift.
He said he won’t need a tie or mug where he’s going, and he was quite happy about that.
The link for the google form does not work.