Expired Hope by Megan Besing just released today, and she chatted with me about how she went from writing a historical mail-order bride story to part of Lisa Phillips’ Last Chance County series with Last Chance Fire and Rescue (part of Sunrise Publishing). Listen in to see why I am CRAZY excited to read this book (hint: it’s the synopsis, guys. Killer synopsis!).
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How Did One Author Go from Historical Romance to Fast-Paced Suspense?
When I learned that Megan Besing had written a historical romance with a mixed-up mail-order bride who thought she was answering a teaching advert, I definitely wanted to read it. But just when I thought there’d be nothing like that going on in Expired Hope, I had to think again. Just reading the synopsis tells you that I was wrong, but know what else does? Having Megan say she is the “Scooby Doo” of the Last Chance Fire and Rescue authors.
Bring it on!
This book promises everything I love–snappy dialogue, tension galore, and a race to save folks from more than just themselves (but that, too)
And then there’s more coming from her if you enjoy fiction from Annie’s Fiction (it’s not showing up yet, but give it time!).
I said at the end that I should’ve put suspense in my book releasing today… and I did. Just for you, Megan (I know that totally matters to you). Snort.
Expired Hope by Megan Besing
“Peter, you are not at war. Look for Joey in your backseat. Do you see him?” Natalie Atkinson gripped the steering wheel of her Volkswagen Beetle and put on her hazards. If only counselors had emergency lights.
“Stand down.” She spoke loud and clear over the phone connection. “There’s no enemy.”
Not one they could see.
She battled every fire she ever faced.
He’s risking everything for the chance to belong.
Veteran and therapist Natalie Atkinson watched her Army career explode in her face. All she ever wanted was to help people carry their burdens. Seeking a new future in Last Chance County doesn’t start so well when she’s the one being rescued from a client’s burning house. To make matters worse, now she’s stuck evaluating the truck and rescue squads for the fire department. When the chief overhears why she left her last job, she’s determined to prove to him and her boss that she’s still the right therapist to assess his crew.
You can learn more about Megan Besing on her WEBSITE.
You can also find the interview with Lisa Phillips about this series HERE.
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