Head’s up! We had some audio issues with this recording of this interview with Ashlyn McKayla Ohm, so it’s a little muddy. Sorry about that. After working on it for a while, I gave up and decided the interview was more important than “perfect sound.” So listen in and see what When the Ice Melts is all about and how Ashlyn got the idea for the book. Join us for a chat about characters, themes, and even books and authors she loves!
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How Do You Bounce Back after Losing a Gold Medal?
We’ve all been there. We sit and watch the Olympic games, waiting to see who comes out on top–best in the world in their field. But what happens when you lose a medal by tenths or even hundredths of a second? How does that affect you? What does it do to your sense of identity? And what if your identity doesn’t rest in Christ to begin with?
Ashlyn McKayla Ohm started a whole book series (FIVE BOOKS if we hound her enough. Start hounding, folks!), Climbing Higher, that challenges characters and readers alike to explore the harder topics to come to a point of grace and love.
We also chatted about some of her favorite books and authors. One I had to cut out due to severe distortion was her love for Madeline L’Engle, which was kind of interesting, because I was reading L’Engle’s Walking on Water at the time.
When the Ice Melts by Ashlyn Mc
Kayla Ohm
Losing her dreams may mean finding herself.
Competitive figure skater Addisyn Miles erased her older sister Avery from her life years ago–back when her skating career led only to bright horizons. But now her dreams have crumbled, and in a small town in the Canadian Rockies, she’s seeking answers to the questions she never thought to ask. Surprisingly, though, those answers seem to point her toward a quiet man with a crushing secret…and toward the faith he once followed.
Meanwhile, heartbroken by her younger sister’s rejection, Avery Miles left her lonely life in New York and headed toward the sunset. Now, she seeks to bury her painful memories in the peace of the Colorado mountains and the love of the God Who made them. But then she comes face to face with an unwelcome bit of her past–someone who poses the ultimate threat to Addisyn. Struggling against her own darkest fears, Avery must summon the courage to love her sister again…and to find her before it’s too late.
Compelling and captivating, When the Ice Melts is a story of broken dreams, desperate decisions, and the relentless grace of a love that never lets go.
You can learn more about Ashlynn McKayla Ohm on her websites. first her DEVOTIONAL site (where you can find out about her podcast) and her AUTHOR website.
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