Ooooh boy. Ever have a day when you spin your wheels… indefinitely? Then, miraculously (because God is Who He is), at the end of the day, all that spinning managed to get the work done?
Yeah–one of those Woke up late, forgot to eat breakfast, and Lorna (#7 daughter) came home from basketball camp not long after. That tells you how late I slept. Note: If this post makes no sense, you can blame the fact that I haven’t slept yet. It’s 8:04 a.m. and I board in an hour and a half. So… just sayin’.
Among the many things I needed to do, packing was top of the list for reasons that really don’t need explanation, right? I also needed to make sure I didn’t FORGET anything I needed to pack. So, I made a list of things not already sitting on my bed and ready to go:
I meant to blur one line. I didn’t. Forgive me. Just call it “keepin’ it real” and we’ll leave it at that. *blush*
But before I could pack, I needed to get a couple of things at the store. So, off #6 daughter and #2 son and I went to Walmart. For those philosophically opposed to Walmart, sorry. 1. I’m not. 2. All we have in Ridgecrest are Walmart and Kmart (which attacks me lungs with the chemicals in their clothes the second I walk in the door). So, for all you Target lovers. YAY! Glad you love and have ’em. We don’t, and I don’t really miss it. 😀
By the time I got back, it was almost time to go pick up the rental car. It had been my intention to take a picture of the row of cars and have you guys guess which one it was. I forgot. Oops. I got a Hyundai Elantra, for those who care. Champagne. I also did not cook dinner. Kevin the Fabulous went to Stater Bros., used one of those scrip cards I got yesterday, and bought rotisserie chicken so that I didn’t have to cook. I took a nap.
So, I bought these cute little books a while back–just fun little nothings that I use for mini-brain dumps. You know… you’re sitting somewhere and get a million great ideas but have no paper? Nope! I keep one of these with me at all times. Don’t use them tons, but I have them when I need them (I usually have my planner and have specific brain dump pages for those like this):
But these cute little things are great for on the go. But they’re pretty simple/boring things, so #6 daughter and I played around with one and voila! It turned out cute. So, Andra made me a few more to take and add to the gift bags at the retreat. WOOT! Lorna (#7 Daughter) helped with the stamping, too. Can’t forget that. Aren’t they adorable? They’re made from the scraps I cut off the sheets for the letters to self bundles! 😀 We just added a little paper tape from the Daiso store and voila! 😀
Didn’t they turn out adorkable?
I also got mail! WOOT! And in that mail was a sweet birthday present from one of my readers! Thanks SK!!!
My favorite book of the Bible! And in the version I originally memorized!!! WOOT!
Made my day. Seriously. I am so blessed!!!
Then I did some SERIOUS packing. I mean, I went to town. Started with the non-clothing stuff. Books, laptop table, etc.
And then I added clothes and packed it to the gills. I guessed that I’d go over by 3 or 4 lbs. I did. Had to remove this tote bag and 6 books. Still, that’s a lot easier to carry around an airport than a carry-on, so I was thrilled. Planning to go home with no books (already got rid of 3 of the six I’d carried so woo!). I’ll show that in the Saturday post, though.
After that, it was time to make shirts for Vyonie and me. Alas, my iron-on letters didn’t come with numbers, so I zipped over to Joann and snagged a few. I think they turned out pretty cute (Sunday’s will show pictures of them).
Some people thought I shouldn’t do big/little but hey… I’ve ALWAYS been “little sister” to her, so dad burn it, she can live with the consequences of her word choice! Mmmwwwaahahaha.
Then it was nap time. See, my flight leaves at 10:00 a.m. LAX is 3 hours from my house. That means that I need to leave 5 hours early in order to be there an hour before the plane departs (they board 30 minute before), and still have time to drop off the rental car, drop off the suitcase, get through security (Praise the LORD for TSA Pre-check!) and stuff. So, that meant I had to leave by five a.m.–just as I’m ready to go to bed. Um… yeah. Not happening. So, at about 2:00, I started getting ready. Took a shower, did my hair, even took another stupid selfie to show I was ready to go out the door. Note: I still hate them. If I hadn’t been doing this series, it wouldn’t have happened. Just sayin’.
And, I even drove the long way out of town so I could show you the awesome lights of Ridgecrest. You usually round this corner where I took the video and see just a slow spattering of lights and then the further you come, the more you see until it’s just a sea of lights down there. For some reason, the video only shows one line of them, but they’re spread out over about a three by three mile or more area. Still, since I took the blasted video, I decided to post it! LOL.
The whole “lights of home” makes me think of this song:
There you have it! My Friday! I wasn’t going to do Saturday and Sunday, but since they were so fun and actually INTERESTING, I have decided to do it. I’ll try to get them up today and tomorrow. Mmmwaahahah. I can dream, okay!
Did everyone have a great weekend? I did!
We went to the county fair! It was awesome and it’s a very rural area so unlimited carnival rides and fair events for $12/person. Super fun and the kids can’t wait for next year!
I am always tickled with lights in the night. So thank you for sharing.
Blessed by your daughters.
Yay for Big & Little Sisters! I still call my brothers Little & Baby though they both tower over me! Sounds like “fun”!!!
That was fun! We miss you!