It’s that day–you know the one where everyone writes out a list of “resolutions” for the year? Yeah. That one. It’s also the countdown to failure for a lot of people. I like to call my so-called “resolutions” something else. “Goals.” It just sounds more honest to me. I mean, I can resolve to lose 100 lbs in 2015, but the fact is, I can’t control ALL of that. Particularly if I only weigh 150 now! (Don’t I wish). Anyway, my point being, I tend to be a goal setter–and minimal at that. I like to make big plans but deep in my heart, I usually know I won’t achieve all of them–or even most. But I do it because it’s fun and because it gives me a general direction to go.
This year, however, I have a CRAZY goal. Seriously nut-job crazy. So, in an attempt at honesty, I’m calling it my “2015 Writing Dream.”
To prepare myself, I did the math, stared at the results, and it answered my first question which was, “Is it even POSSIBLE?” Yeah. It is.
The next question was a little harder for me. “Is it likely?” Frankly, my answer surprised me. I don’t know. You see, I keep wanting to say no–as if it’s giving me some kind of out. But you know what? I think I really can do it.
But one more question burned inside me. “But will you do it?” You know what? I don’t know that either. You see, it really does boil down to one simple truth. I have to make it a priority, quit dinking around with time-wasters, and actually WORK. (shocker, right?)
So, what is this crazy dream of mine?
I want to write a book a month in 2015.
Yeah. I told you. Nuts. Now before we get too far into this lofty goal dream of mine, I want to make something VERY clear. I’m not talking about publishing a dozen books in 2015. I’m not even talking about having a dozen–or even half a dozen–polished manuscripts at the end of 2015. I’m talking about one dozen, bona fide rough drafts. That’s it. Whether any of them are ever published will be entirely up to time, Ashley, my editors, Ashley, if they’re worth publishing at all, Ashley… you get the picture.
The real problem for me is that I have other writing commitments. Well, one. Just one. But it’s a big one. It has a pretty name. HearthLand. If I didn’t have weekly episodes to keep up on, I could absolutely, without a doubt, pull this off. But instead of needing 3600 words a day to make it work (5 days a week x 5 weeks a month approximately / 90k words), I actually need a minimum of about 6100 words a day. That’s nearly double. It’s about 3.5 hours of concentrated writing per day. That kind of freaked me out until… are you ready for it?
My kids are usually all in bed by 1-2 a.m. during the school year (weekends excepted–you know, those days I’m not counting on writing at all?). I go to bed between 4 and 5 a.m. usually. That’s 2.5-3.5 hours per day right there.
I can DO this thing!
Without stress, without taxing myself, without being as crazy and insane as it feels like I am for even considering it.
So, with that thought in mind, I made a list. Now I need to share something about this list before I post it. Some of these books are already well in progress. A few are starting from scratch, yes. But others are 1/4-1/2 done already. So that right there will make a big difference. Add to it weekends to catch up if I get way behind or if I travel somewhere and voila! So… the projected list of books for 2015 are as follows:
January: Crushed Dreams (Legacy of the Vines #2)
February: Highlands (Journey of Dreams #2)
March: Webster’s Bakery
April: Marriage of Conscience (Previously mentioned as “Bentley)
May: Will Not See (Sight Unseen #2)
June: The Course (One I’ve been working on now and then for a year or two)
July: Carol and the Belles (October release)
August: A Forgotten Truth (The Agency Files #4)
September: Ante Up! (Aggie’s Inheritance # 4–November Release)
October: Legends of the Vengeance: The Second Adventure
November: Sweet on You (Meddlin’ Madeline #1)
December: Jack (Ballads from the Hearth #1–This is a series of stories based upon ballads my father sang as a child. This first one was inspired by “Cowboy Jack.”)
Now wouldn’t it be totally cool if somehow I could get enough ahead that December’s book was done by Thanksgiving? (Because 12 books in 12 months, and at least 6 other volumes isn’t enough right?)
Note: These are also subject to change at Ashley’s will.
My question to you: Do you think I can do it?
What happened to Introductions ?
Please don’t burn out or neglect your family time for us. We love your books but God gave them to you first!
Introductions I didn’t count in here because that is just in rewrite. It’s done. It just needs to be fleshed out and cleaned up (one of the first things I wrote. It’s BAD.) So, I’m still working on it here and there. I suspect it will be published sometime this year, though.
So if you write 12 books then my goal will be to read 12 books. Actually I am sure I will read more than 12 but I enjoy reading your books.
Do it as long as you keep loving it. And we will be right there, ready for whatever comes next, thankful for the mere crumbs dropped from your desk 🙂 But OHhhhhh…..more Agency Files? WOOT!!!
My personal thought is that we your most faithful public would rather have you healthy and stress free. Only do what you really feel the energy and joy to do. We can wait for your wonderful reads. We worry about you.
Here’s the deal: if you go for it and “fail”, you’ll still have written a lot and accomplished so much! So I say go for it and give yourself grace if life happens and writing doesn’t. 😉
Wow! Those are some awesome goals, but who are you doing this for? Why are you doing this and should you be doing this is my next question?
I think you are an extremely gifted woman, mother, wife and writer. Your writing reflects your character and we are so truely blessed, but is this what the Lord put on your heart? Have you gone to Him and prayed about this with Him? We are so blessed to have you as an inspiration and you bless our lives so richly, but I don’t want to see you burn out. So please be gentle with yourself. We treasure you and your works and if you if you only get one out there that’s Ok too! So please be gentle with yourself. Sleep, rest, enjoy the peace that comes from HIM and then do what He leads you to do. You are treasured!
This is such a blessing. Thank you. And alas, I am selfish enough(much too selfish, really) that if I can’t, I won’t. I guard my sleep. I need sleep. I have to take days off (hence the no working on weekends) etc. And if the Lord allows, I’ll succeed. If not, I’ll have fun seeing what months I did! 😀
As always, you awe and inspire me 🙂 You can do this
You have given this a lot of thought and figuring out, both time wise and book wise. You have been thinking about this for over a month. I truly believe that you can do this, barring any unforeseen issues. You have the drive, the ability, and you have figured out how to make the time each day. In your heart I believe this is something you want to do and can do. Even if you don’t quite make it, it os a dream/goal to be proud of and one that is tough but doable. I, personally, have faith on you that this is something you will accomplish or come very close to doing so. Just remember to live a little and have fun and do other things other than home schooling and writing ;).
Please schedule in some you time.
You are going to be doing book signings, speaking engagements, and possible family commitments. You have married children now, so there is a possible chance you may become a granny.
Good plan to write 2 books before Christmas.give you time to enjoy the holidays.
Have the very best of 2015.
Dearest Patty… I have four grandkids (we use the Norwegian “Bestemor” and “Bestefar” so I call them “bestekids”)!!! They spend lots of time here. I love it! 😀
We do what we want to do; do you want to do it? We make time for the things we Really Want. 🙂 I think you can do it! And I hope you publish them all because, well, I’m selfish and I want to read them! 😉
I think you can and I’m super excited to read them all! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed almost every single thing you’ve written. Very thankful for you!
Always have a dream. Remember all that, Ryoko, mentioned. You need to squeeze these things in, just to have time for yourself and your family.
Yes, I would love to read everything myself, but not if you and your beautiful family, has to sacrifice for it. I will continue to wait patiently, for whatever you write next.
I don’t set goals or resolutions, because I know,
I tend to dream to big. Charlene
Yes You Can Do It. I’d LoveTo Read Them.
Should You Do It? Do You Really Wasn’t To Do It?
Can You keep It As A Dream/Goal And Not A Whip?
When Will You Sleep?
When Will You Play?
Date Your Honey?
I’m Sure You’ve Considered all These Questions And More, And Talked With Your Husband And Prayed About This, So, If This Stirs You
Go For The Dream.
You can do it! But one little detail – can you do Ante Up! first? Or at least second? I adore Aggie’s Inheritance! And Hearthland. And Past Forward. And…And… you get the idea.
We can probably move it up the list… *whistles*
Can’t wait!
I believe you can do this… you’ll have to watch time waste (but don’t cut out the important stuff) … and become an even better manager, but who knows what technology is out there waiting to explode into 2015 & help you with this Writing Dream! GO FOR IT!