“The Treasure of a Lifetime.”
Lifetime resident, Bud Barrows, has a thousand stories of life at Breakers Point, but there’s one tale he never tells. Why does he treasure a common clamshell over almost everything he owns? In Christmas at Breakers Point, Mallory learns the secret of that shell, but this short story puts Bud’s whole love story into context and gives it life.
When Bud first noticed Emily Sue, he fell head over heels.
In this short vignette from Buds’ childhood, you’ll journey from that second-grade classroom where he first truly noticed Emily Sue Bartlett, through their school years, until the day she gave him the one thing he treasured most then and something he treasured all his life.
Sometimes that first, innocent love lasts a lifetime.
“Treasures of a Lifetime” is an Independence Islands short story.
How do you GET this FREE bonus short story?
Purchasers and readers of Christmas on Breakers Point are eligible to receive this thank you bonus short story. It’s written, in editing as I type, and will be sent out very soon. If you haven’t yet purchased Christmas on Breakers Point, you’ll want to do that before December 1, 2019, because after that date, the price goes up from just .99 to 3.99. I want you to get in on the deal!
For Kindle Unlimited readers, just read the book at any time. No worries. You get the bonus, too!
Just send your request to [email protected] and include either:
- a screenshot of your “you purchased this book” for Christmas on Breakers Point
- a screenshot of the end of Christmas on Breakers Point showing you’ve read it, or
- your receipt for Christmas on Breakers Point (just forward!)
And, if you’d be willing to share this image, we’d so appreciate it. We want everyone who wants it to get this short story about the treasures of Bud Barrows’ lifetime.