It finally happened. After four years of authors giving each other prompts at the release of a story, I slammed up against a wall. Melissa Wardwell posted this for the authors of the Suamalie Islands Series: In All An Act, Lulu comes face to face with a part of her past that she thought was no Continue Reading
“Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say” Ain’t No Lie
It started out innocently enough. Just silly playfulness between my mother and me. Now, before I tell you the story, it's kind of important to point out something. I had no-nonsense parents. In fact, I would never have even considered talking back to either of my parents. I valued life too much. Continue Reading
Why Romance Is a Hairy Proposition (or is that proposal?)
It usually comes as a distress call. Six simple words that I zip to the woman who keeps me from looking like I've been hacked by a weed whacker. It goes something like this.Me: "Zee hairs. Zey aire a dee-zas-taire."Poor Beth probably has no idea what book that's from. Maybe you don't, either. Hint: Continue Reading
The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is… What?
So we're all sitting around in our Facebook group--the Suamalie authors, I mean--and talking about what our books have that we can share in our release celebration posts. Amanda says something like, "In Seashells Tell No Tales, we have a character with a fear of heights. So for mine, let's talk Continue Reading
You Can Never Have Enough Exciting YA Fantasy, Right?
What do you get when mesh elements of Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, and National Treasure? How about a YA Fantasy adventure that combines travel (especially in eastern countries and other worlds) with superpowers! Put out through Tyndale's Wander imprint, the Beacon Hill Series by D. J. Williams Continue Reading
Watch Out! You May Never Look at Crosswords the Same Again!
After loving 26 Below by Kimberley Woodhouse, I've been chomping at the bit to get my hands on 8 Down. Well, it's almost here, and it promises to be even better. I mean come on! Serial killer using crosswords and the threat of exponentially upping the death toll? EEEP Listen in to learn about Continue Reading
If You’re Looking for a Great Valentine Romance, Here You Go!
Whenever I get to talk to Jennifer Deibel, I enjoy not only a great conversation, but I always learn something, and chatting about The Irish Matchmaker was no exception. Listen in to hear about the fascinating festival that prompted the story and the one we concocted as we chatted. Not only that, Continue Reading
Why Historical Research Creates Some of the Best Fiction Ever!
Whenever I get a chance to chat with Joanna Davidson Politano, I know I'm going to have a good time, and this time was no exception. With her new book, The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple releasing this April, she has a lot of fun preorder stuff going on that you won't want to miss hearing about, but Continue Reading
Who Can Wait Another Week for This New Series?
If you ask Christian fiction readers who their favorite suspense authors are, Dani Pettrey is sure to come up quickly. I've enjoyed her books for years, but I have to say, her new Jeopardy Falls series threatens to be my favorite. I mean... a family of con artists turned Christian private Continue Reading
Sometimes Ignorance Is More than Bliss—It’s Dangerous!
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of her first book, Patricia Bradley's next book in the Pearl River series, Fatal Witness. Not only that she has all kinds of fun stuff planned (in addition to a great new book that sounds a bit chilling. EEEP! So, grab a hot drink and a cozy blanket, and listen Continue Reading
Why This Book Promises to Be One of My 2024 Favorites!
It might have to do with the fact that it's Sarah Sundin or even WWII. Maybe it's because we're dealing with the Blitz and yet not just England's resilience in the wake of its destruction. But I suspect I'm going to love this book because Sarah Sundin took a heartbreaking fact of WWII history that Continue Reading
Who Knew Reading about Cooking Old Family Recipes Would Be So Exciting?
I've been waiting for the release of The Divine Proverb of Streusel since before I opened my copy of Sara Brunsvold's first book! Listen in to see what might make a woman cook her way through an old, family cookbook and how it could help her troubled heart. note: links may be affiliate links Continue Reading