She pulled out a picture book–one without any words, no less–and handed it over. I flipped through the pages of Carl’s Christmas, and almost missed the beauty and wonder of that book. Books needed words, and I wasn’t prepared to handle one without them. By the time she showed me a book about a mouse and someone out to get that mouse’s strawberry, I’d become addicted to picture books. At the ripe old age of twenty-two.
After that day, I spent hours searching for picture books for my kids. See, before that, my goal had been to get them to read so we could move onto “real books.” Finally, I’d learned what my mom meant when she quoted the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.
I’m not saying that I spent the mortgage on children’s books at the San Marino Toy and Bookstore one day or anything, but um… I came close!
I also started writing my own. A Very Special Book was the first, and I wrote it as a lesson to my daughter when she got too rough with one of the books. From that, I went on to write A Teapot’s Tale and a few others. Someday, I’ll get these things illustrated and in print. I keep trying, but sigh.
My kids are grown now, but I have grandchildren (whom I call bestekids), and well… I keep expanding my library to include books for them, too. Of course, now they live in Indiana, and that means I have to buy duplicate copies of things. It’s a rough life sometimes. *whistles*.
This should mean you’re not surprised to learn that I saw a children’s picture book a while back, fell in love with it, and promptly requested a free review copy. I got it, too. 😀
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Why I Think This “Creepy” Book Is Awesome
Okay, The Creeper has everything I love in children’s picture books. Posey offers a lovely lesson on seeing and finding wrapped in a fun story about a “creeper” who searches everywhere to find something he treasures. Add to that, delightful illustrations that keep you turning the page to see what adorableness is next, and what isn’t to love?
Not too long–she didn’t drag out the story just for lots of words. Not too short–she doesn’t rush the process either. Instead, Teresa Posey Carey offers a perfect little book that will delight children and the parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends. This is a good thing because they’ll be hounded to read and reread it over and over.
Recommended for just about anyone who appreciates the delightfulness that is a children’s picture book. While I received a free review copy of the book, I liked it so much I bought my own paperback and, as I said, will have to buy more for my grandkids.
About the Book
Book: The Creeper
Author: Teresa Posey Carey
Genre: Christian Children’s Book
Release Date: December 5, 2019
Even The Creeper loses things from time to time. How will he recover what he seeks? Find out in rhyme!
What begins as a determined search for something important becomes a treasure hunt full of clues and a valuable lesson in searching for that which is lost.
Delightful illustrations and endearing rhymes tell a story that teaches subtle lessons in perseverance and diligence.
My five year old granddaughter would definitely like this!!
This sounds like a terrific read! Cute cover!
Thankyou sooo much for this wonderful review!! God bless you!!???
This is a new author to me, sounds like a really cute book.
I have to admit, I was a little turned off by the cover picture at first… But the reviews have been so good that I’ve changed my mind! I think my kids would love it!
Another great book to discover. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
I love that book about the mouse and strawberry! I got a giant-size copy (teacher perk) and we read it over and over, til the pages fell out.