Well, I’m supposed to be 6668 words into Legends of the Vengeance book TWO right now. I’m not. Slacker, you say? HA! Slacker my eye… er fingers?
Less than an hour before Camp NaNoWriMo started, I got the word from Madame Publicist Extraordinaire. “Write the next Journey of Dreams book. Pirates are on hold for right now.”
I threw a fit. Wailed. Screamed. And then went to work making covers to console me. I have also planned three new books. I’ve kind of got a rebellious side. Thought you oughtta know.
So, you’ll notice a new category up there on the menu bar.
Bookshelf>Journey of Dreams>… etc.
Oh, and another switcheroo. I muffed my website. Not sure how I did it, but it was huge. I didn’t really change anything deliberately, but poof. One check to see what theme I was using and BAM. Gone. Looked horrible. So, I redid it. It’s not very different, but the sticklers will notice a few things.
See you in the morning…
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