Confession. This post was supposed to say something like “two months in a row.” And that would have been back in April! Then it became, “In the same week.”
Yesterday, I thought it would be “Two Days in a row.”
But no. Never to do things the ordinary way, I would be the one who just happened to have a book release on the day another book releases in a collection.
Because that’s how I roll. Or something. Probably that “something” thing.
Enough of all that. I mean, we’ve got stuff to talk about. Such as…
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What Do You Do When You Release 2 Books on the Same Day?
I’ll tell you. PARTY!
Seriously. I’m dancing a jig right now. I’ve been dying to share this collection with you for months now. So… without further ado…
Yesterday’s Mail:
Crossroads Collection 2!
Psst… I’m working on the third right now! As with the Out of the Blue Bouquet collection, this one has five stories by bestselling authors who, in the final book, all meet together somehow. However, whereas Out of the Blue Bouquet was about Brooke and her floral fiasco, this one features Kate, several unfortunate mail mix-ups… and a mystery Both can read it FREE on Kindle with Kindle Unlimited or purchased for just .99.
Here’s a bit more about Yesterday’s Mail.
In a world of email, text messages, and tracking numbers, sometimes things still go awry.
Alana Terry opens this collection with her novella, Sleepless in Seoul.
When Derek leads his church on a short-term mission trip to South Korea, he’s definitely not expecting to find out the woman working with him is the same woman who broke his heart over twenty years ago.
Cynthia Hickey takes us on a romantic journey in Like Ships Passing.
One transposed number threatens to sink love before it gets started.
Hallee Bridgeman steps back in time with Chasing Pearl.
A package lost in the mail since 1940 brings a modern couple together in a miraculous way.
Chautona Havig offers an endearing boy on a mission in {Operation Posthaste}.
A nine-year-old boy finds a bag of mail from WWII in the attic of their new house and makes it his personal mission to deliver every piece before his mom finds out, but he could never have imagined the impact it would have on so many people.
And last, but definitely not least (since hers has a solid 20K more words than the rest of us!), Amanda Tru with Yesterday’s Mail.
A Christian post office clerk uses her police officer background to investigate lost mail and solve a mystery that has plagued her small town for years.
At just .99, you can’t go wrong with this interconnected collection. Stay tuned for Collection three… Under the Christmas Star featuring several of the same authors and a few “new” ones as well.
And a day I’ve been waiting for since around 2009 or 2010…
The end of the Sight Unseen Seri
es has arrived!
Usually, I find it difficult to finish a series. I have to give myself lots of permissions about making a spin-off or doing another one down the road—anything to keep me writing until the last words were on the page. I usually find that I have WAY too many words and have to cut some.
None of that happened this time.
And yet, I’m not sagging in relief that I’m DONE or anything. No, it’s nothing like that. I’m just so completely satisfied and happy. This series did exactly what I hoped it would—in my heart and hopefully in the hearts of readers. It’s a far cry from what I’d meant to do when I started it way back when, but it’s so much richer and more interesting.
And Ties That Blind might be my new favorite in the series.
I’m working on the last of the Bonus short story as well.
Since I’ve been scrambling doing half a dozen of one and two dozen of other things all month, I haven’t had a chance to finish it up, but I’m not worried. It’ll be chock full of spoilers. I mean, great, heaping gobs of them. So, I’d want to send it out a few days later, anyway.
In Ties That Blind, we meet Simon Prescott who wakes up with no memory, only to discover he’s under suspicion for his wife’s murder! EEEP!
Unfortunately, that’s only the beginning. It seems as though every time he’s been smacked down as low as he can go, something comes along to grind him into the dirt.
Along with that, we learn more about what’s going on in Vikki’s (from book 2) life and how Ella (from book 1) is faring with the new baby.
But most of all, this book answers the questions that have nagged for so long.
Where’d all that money come from? Why do they even have it? And what actually happened, anyway?
Of course, one question screams louder than the rest. Will they ever get their memories back?
Read and find out!
Meanwhile, I have got to get back and get to work on other waiting books. Cassie… the three Christmas books screaming calling my name.
CONGRATS to Connie B. You won the giveaway prize of $25.00
Agency files! Also, more New Year’s Revolutions…. What happens next?
You’re getting snippets of that in a fwe of the other books. The Second Noel, and right now I’m doing Tangoed in Tinsel. You find out fun stuff in there… 😀
CHOOSE what would be next without options?!?!?! AYE!!! I don’t know that I can do that!! LOL! I LOVE your books!! I’ve shared them with so many people!!! I’m reading New Year’s Revolution now and am so sucked into Neal’s conundrum! I am VERY glad for the series you do because I am the type of reader that gets sucked into the lives of those in the story and hate when the book ends and there are things left hanging with no answers in sight ever! So thank you for that! Sigh, so to answer “what next?” I would love to read what’s going on in Aggie’s life! (Sorry, can’t remember if you finished that series or not) but Aggie and clan is one of my fav series you’ve done besides the Agency Files!
I desperately need to do Vannie’s Story. Good idea!
I’m continually amazed by your variety! I wasn’t aware of Prairie until you gave it away this week, but oh! it spoke to my heart! (And delivered a healthy dose of conviction, too) As a fellow large-family, homeschool mom, I really appreciate the real-ness of your characters – seems like in each book, I learn something along with my new fictitious friends. What should you write next? Whatever is most pressing on your spirit. Can’t wait to hear whatever you choose to share!
Aw… thank you! That’s so encouraging! It’s exactly what I hope to do!
The Agency Files. My favorite series of yours to date. I’ve really enjoyed the first few books I’ve read although behind one, I think. ?
Sounds like a consensus! 😀
I have to agree with many others and say another Agency Files. I absolutely love that series!! It has great story lines, great characters, thought provoking events and is so different from a lot of other books out there! Love that it is not predictable!
A mystery would be great! I love them!
I love writing mysteries.
I’m looking forward to the next Agency Files book .. and rereading all the others first 🙂
SQUEEEEEE! I love that.
If I can afford it, I’ll read anything you write and you know it my friend ?.
THE AGENCY FILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just because your son is going to be in the next one. I know… I know…
The next Madeline book.
So excited about this!!! I actually now have TWO ideas for it. I have to figure out which!
She’s coming. Probably February. With all the February Madeline releases, I should start calling her the “sweetheart” of Just the Write Escape!
An Agency book!!
I see a familiar theme…
I’m loving Cassie, but have now started on the Agency books, so probably I’m looking forward to one of those, the most. I really enjoyed Ties That Blind, and it really did have a satisfying ending. Well done! I’m looking forward to the bonus, too.
You seem in good company!
I’m definitely looking forward to anything you write but for sure a new Agency book, Madeline Book, and the weekly Cassie emails!!
I’m seeing a theme here. Suspense/mystery is winning.
I think I am most looking forward to the next Madeline book. 🙂
We need to talk about my ideas. I suspect you’ll have good insight into which way to go.
I look forward to Wednesdays because of Cassie…and actually, you won me over, because I initially didn’t like her as much as Willow and the folks at Hearthland. But yes! Cassie please! Probably because of Joel. 😉
Joel does have a fan club. #teamJoel hee hee
The next Agency Files book. Though my daughter has been anxiously awaiting the next Not-So-Fairy Tales book.
Leicelin would be done by now but I keep having trouble getting her to behave!
I think a mystery would be great!! I love them!!! Thanks for books that are clean and allow us to imagine.
YES! Someone who gets me! You just made my day!
Waiting for Ties that Blind has been killing me! So excited it’s out! My next choice would be more Madeline or maybe Alexa. I love your mysteries!
Aw, Tina! Thanks! I love your encouragement. It’s always a blessing.
Oh, wow! Two books!
Definitely reading “Ties That Bind” soon! Im happy we will find the answers to those pesky questions, but a bit sad this is the last book.
However, I suppose it isn’t very kind to want another — 3 people traumatically losing their memory should be enough, right?!! So I guess I’m excited that we will probably have some new stories spinning off some of the characters we’ve been introduced to in these books. 🙂
Which new book would I like to read? Oh, an Agency one! Those are my favorite & I hope you never stop writing that kind — even if you have to let us hear from a “sister” Agency group.
Other options?
Well, if there isn’t a new Agency or Hartfield mystery in the works, then The Innkeeper or Webster’s Bakery sounds interesting. 🙂
Thanks for sharing all your stories. I hope you get as much enjoyment sharing them as I do reading them (without the guilt I get reading them when I should be doing something else. LOL!)
OOOH! You have some good thoughts there! And yes, I have at LEAST 10 more Agency Files book ideas. So… yeah. Gonna be a thing for a long time.
I’m most looking forward to the next installment of Cassie’s story. I’d also love to read Ties That Blind, but I have to read Will Not See first! I’m looking forward to a new Agency Files book and also am trying to be patient for the next Madeline!
I’m so glad that so many people love my Madeline! This makes me happy!
I’ve been waiting several years to find out the mystery in Sight Unseen, so I’m more anxious to read that one. However, I enjoyed last year’s collection so much, that I’m definitely looking forward to reading this year’s!
And, by the way, 99 cents is a steal! I would’ve paid more for the collection.
Right? Well, we can only hope KU readers enjoy it or we’re going to be sad! LOL
YAY!!! So excited, too!
I’d have to say I’m looking forward to the next agency book. Soooo glad Ties That Blind is finally out!
ME TOO! Hee hee. I think Agency is a clear winner…
I gotta say, Cassie is who I’m most looking forward to, just because she has so many exciting things going on in her life right now! I would very much like to read the others as well though, when I get the chance!
At least we’re getting a taste of Agency with Cassie right now!
I’d love for village wren to be completed and presented as a single book. I’ve missed some episodes, so I won’t start reading it until I have all the episodes.
The Vintage Wren will actually be quite a few books. It’s already almost three full volumes. It’s a long journey for the poor girl. And if you know which ones you’ve missed, let me know. I’m always here to help!
So excited to read Ties That Blind. I peeked first thing at my Kindle app to see that it was there. 😉 Loving the collision of Cassie and The Agency, which might hold me over until a full Agency Files comes.
YAY! Someone gets it!!! Agency whetted whistles and such. Thank you Cassie for your sacrifice.
It is such a hard choice! I think for me it’s going to be Ties that Bind. I found you and ended up on a several week binge reading everything but it drives me crazy when I start a series and don’t know how it ends so I’m excited to see what you created with this last book.
Squeeeee! I’m so excited about it! I love Simon. Didn’t expect to, but I do.
The next “Agency Files” book! Plus, I haven’t read any of these you just mentioned, either, so now I have to go check them all out. 😀
MMMMWAAAHAHAH! I love how you think!
It is so hard to decide which book I’d like next, but I think I will go with an Agency book. I could use an infusion of those fabulous characters.
Poor Keith thinks he’s getting to retire. Bless his heart.
I can’t wait to read Ties That Blind!!
I can’t wait to see what you think!
Honestly, I just love any book that includes Rockland. But those hints about a Vannie book? Yeeeaaahhhh. ?
OH! YES! I need to do that. She’s about to shake the boots of Brant’s Corners as a whole.
Just put Yesterday’s Mail on my kindle. Can’t wait to read!
YAY! Hope you enjoy. I’m dying to read a couple of them that I haven’t read yet myself
Operation Posthaste sounds really interesting! LOVE ALL YOUR BOOKS!!
Aw, thanks! I think Rudy should meet Faye and gang in Fairbury. I think they could all kick up a ruckus!
I think I would pick Operation Posthaste but all of the dead letter books sound really good. It’s an interesting plot twist to take.
Right? When Amanda Tru said what she wanted to do, I was SO in it. And Emma from her book in this set is the lead character in her next one!
Yesterday’s Mail looks really good. I am looking forward to that one.
I love it so much. These interconnected collections are like my treat now.
I am so excited for the end of Sight Unseen. But I have to agree with a previous poster… the Journey of Dreams series might be my absolute favorite. So I’m also looking forward to Seaside.
Seaside is in preliminary editing right now! I’m so excited for it. I needed a few things noted before I could continue, so Christy the wonder gal is on it!
I just got Ties That Blind & can’t wait to read it.
YAY! Hope you love it!
I am looking forward to finishing the Sight Unseen series!
I really am happy with how it turned out and that it’s OVER. 🙂
I am looking forward to reading the Sight Unseen Series and also Operation Posthaste. They all sound like books that I would enjoy!
I am really anxious to read Sleepless in Seoul. I’m thinking this is gonna be deep.
Oh man to pick a book of yours that I’m excited to read is like picking my favorite kid lol!
Ties that Bind would be my answer.
Hee hee! Happy reading! 😀
I must be reading the question wrong – what am I most looking forward to in the multiple books mentioned in this blog OR coming from you soon – in coming soon – well Seaside – I’m obsessed (have reread so many times!) with that series. BUT if the question is which of the ones mentioned – I’m really into the new collection ala You’ve Got Mail and Then Some! Just paid my ridiculously low price and it is loaded on my Kindle.
No Chautona did NOT pay me by the word for this overload of verbiage – just excited! Bless y’all
I’ll slip you that check later, Linda…
Just kidding! I meant of any of my books, but these two work as well. 😀 Seaside is in preliminary editing so I can finish it. I finally found my theme and wanted to make sure it got woven in properly. 😀
I’m looking forward to reading Ties That Blind next! I’m so excited for you Chautona. I wish I had your gift of writing, I’d tell my story 🙂
Write it anyway. You may surprise yourself, but even if you don’t, your family in generations to come will be blessed. 🙂
I was pretty excited when I saw my email saying “Ties that Bind” had been delivered!
I’ve been biting my nails for a week!
Excited to read all the new books!
I’m really excited about both of these. Dylan’s a dear of a boy, and well, I’ve grown really fond of Simon.
I am most looking forward to Yesterday’s Mail.
Squeeeeeee ! It’s a boatload (or a mailbag) full of fun!
I am most looking forward to the Vintage Wren. I am excited in the waiting that Ties that Blind comes out today. I re-read the first two in the series last week knowing this almost 60 yr old memory wanted to be up on the details. Happy Two Book day to you!!
Thank you so much! And I love that you reread them. That is music to my heart! 😀