Deepest Roots of the Heart

Family ties are as strong and sure as grape roots and they spread and tangle as far as the vines.

Avelino Carrillo returns home from WWII with one goal in mind--to regain his family's vineyards and preserve the legacy passed down for generations.

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About the Book

Deepest Roots of the Heart

1945- Avelino Carrillo spent four harrowing years in the South Pacific with one thought driving him to endure, to fight, to survive–his home in the Valle de Morado.  Napa Valley.

As he arrives home to reclaim the vineyards his family has owned, worked, and loved for the past century, Avelino determines nothing will deter him from success–not even the man who now owns the land and home he loves so well.  And not even the young woman who personifies the woman of his dreams.

What reviewers had to say about Deepest Roots of the Heart

This is a beautifully written story, that seamlessly transitions from the main character, Avelino, to his ancestors. Being unfamiliar with the west and its struggles, I was fascinated by the history shown through the novel. As with all of Chautona Havig’s writing, it is clean and definitely worth reading.   ~JWilly

An absolutely wonderful story. To me it was a perfect backdrop of what America has come to mean to so many. The dream of owning land and the freedom to succeed by the hard work and perseverence of a man or woman and the support of an amazing family. Avelino has determination to regain not only his family’s land and legecy, but also the good name it had in the past.He is such an honorable man. He learns that he is not the only one willing to give sacrificially and to love unconditionally. God brings him a love so rich and deep that began as the retelling of his family’s history. Chautona Havig has written another book that is not only worth buying, but worth reading again and again! I hope there is a book two!  ~DarleneC

Author: Chautona Havig
Series: Legacy of the Vines
Genres: Christian Fiction, Historical, Romance
Tags: Historical, Recommended Books, Romance
Publisher: Waterfall Press
Publication Year: 2015
Length: novel
ISBN: 9781477826744
List Price: 12.95 / 5.99
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